Chapter 16

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I move on the table feeling my arm & leg start to hurt more. I remember that the knife is still in my arm and I look over at it.

Half of my arm is covered in blood and Im petty sure my leg is to. I hear chains move and I look over at my friends.

They'er stab wounds seem to have healed but they still have a lot of blood them them self.

I start to hear my phone going off and I look at the other melt table and see it. every one looks up at the phone and I see that it's my dad.

I start moving my hand trying to get it free. I keep trying hoping that the
phone doesn't stop ringing.

When it stop the voice mail comes on and it's on speaker.

"Hello Taylor" Logan says into the phone "you have a nice family here, there really worried about you" my eyes go wide

"I wonder what you would do if I killed them?" I can hear the smile in his voice " maybe the little one first, what's his name? Cory right?" I start to thrash around on the table as tear roll down my face

"Anyway ill see you soon with a surprise, bye!" he hangs up and I start to ball

"Taylor don't!" I hear Jamia yell at me

"He's going to hurt them!" I yell thrashing some more

"He can't do that, your mom would kill him" she says "but you need to calm down"

I stop moving and lay there crying for my family.


After a little while I see Logan walk in with my family and two others which are his little minions.

Cory looks at me with tears in his eyes an moves over to where they are taking them.

Logan sets them in chairs a little far from me but takes my dad over a little farther.

One of the minions comes up to me and takes out the knife them undoes the straps and guides me over to where my father is.

The two minions leave and Logan smiles at me. I see that he has a knife in his hand.

"Don't" I say looking at him

"Why? you won't need your family after your a vampire" he says and stabs my dad

I stand there I stock and see my dad look at me.

"Dad!" My brother yells

"Get the others" Logan says and the other two vampires come in a grab my brothers "your going to know what it feels like to lose everything" Logan says slitting my dad throat an he falls to the floor

I get held back by Logan as the other two slit my brothers throats and they both fall.

"No!" I cry out kicking to try and get free

"Now you don't have to worry about them" he says into my ear

"You didn't say you would kill them!" I yell beating on his arms to get free

"Oh shut up" he says and stabs my thigh

I gasp in pain and I here a chain break. I look over and see Gerard got a chain out of the wall.

"Oh, lookie here" he says dragging me in front of Gerard "does this bug you?" he asks ripping out the knife

Gerard growls and stands up but Logan pulls us back a little. "or are you just hungry?" he says in a baby voice

"Leave her alone" Gerard growls

"So it does bug you" he smiles "then this is really going to suck" he bits down on my neck and I scream

"Logan what are you doing?" a woman's voice asks

"Playing around" he says "it was boring waiting for you"

"Well I'm here now, so let my daughter go" she says

He lets go of me and I fall to the ground. Gerard grabs me and pulls me close to him, I look at the woman and its my mom or wait? no Donna?

She looks around and see dad and the boys dead. "I told you not to mess with them" she says

"Well she wouldn't need them when she's a vampire" he points out

She sighs and looks a Gerard then to me. She walks over to us and Gerard tightens his grip around me pulling me closer.

My mom stops at that and smiles. "shes my daughter" she looks at Gerard "I just want to see her" she kneels down in front of us and looks at me

"What did they do to you" she whispers looking at my wounds

She grabs my arm looking at it and I winces at the pain, Gerard moves us back a little and she sighs.

"Well your pretty strong" she says looking at me "with all those wounds" she points out and stands up

"You'll be a wonderful vampire" she smiles and turns to Logan "unchain him and bring with with me" she says and walks out

Logan looks at us then undoes Gerard's chains. Gerard stands up helping me and we follow Logan out of the room.

We walk into a smaller room with one of those hospital beds and some tools. I move closer to Gerard as we walk in the rest of the way.

"Sit" my mom says pointing to the bed

Gerard helps me over to the bed and I sit there with him standing by me. My mom walks over to me with a rag and cleans off my neck and arm.

"Logan can get a little to carried away" she says and I look at her

"He kill dad jack and Cory" I say tears in my eyes

"I know, and I love your father along with the boys" she sighs stepping back

"Why did you leave then?" I ask

"Because your father was getting to close and he would have found out about me" she says

"So you just fake your death and leave me" I say feeling all the hurt coming back

"I know it must have been hard for you, but now we won't have to be apart" she smiles "if you let me change you we can stay together, and you won't have to feel the pain anymore" she says

"Why do you want me to lose my emotions?" I ask

"Because they just get in the way sweetie, and I know I said that you and Gerard should be together but" she stops "but not everything goes as planed"

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