Drama at Rick and Martin's wedding

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"Hello, Martin. Are you there?" Michelle asks, as she hears a door slam. Minutes later, "Mom, I will talk to you later," Martin says. "Okay," Michelle says, as the call ends. "Are you okay, sir?" Sam asks, as he knocks on the blue room's door.

"Yes, Sam. I'm fine. I just need a few minutes to myself," Martin says, as he drops to the floor. "Okay, sir. Call me if you need anything," Sam says.

"Okay I will," Martin says, as he hears Sam walk away from the door. An hour later, "Sir. You've locked up in this room for too long. What's going on?" Sam asks, as he walks into the blue room and closes the door. "Sam, I'm gonna have to leave the ceremony early," Martin says.

"Why?" Sam asks, as he sits down in the chair across from Martin. "Well, Sam. My dad just passed away today," Martin says, as he whips tears from his face. "When?" Sam asks. "An hour ago," Martin says, as he stands up off the floor.

"I'm sorry for your loss, sir," Sam says, as he stands up and walks towards the door. "Thanks," Martin says, as he turns around and looks out the window. "Take all the time you need," Sam says, as he walks out of the blue room. An hour later, "Mr. President. Someone wants to talk to you," Sam says, as he watches Martin walk out of the blue room.

"Who is it?" Martin asks, as he raises his eyebrow at Sam. "It's Nancy, sir," Sam says, as he hands Martin the phone. "Hello," Martin says, as he places the phone to his ear. "Hey, Mar. It's Nancy," Nancy says.

"Hey, if you've called to yell at me. It's just not a good time," Martin says. "No! Martin, I just called to say. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Oh, and after my wedding.

I want to meet with you and my mother. We have a few things to talk about," Nancy says. "Um, Nancy. Why do you want to meet with me and your mother?" Martin asks, as he, Sam and his secret service detail walk down the hallway. "Well, we need to talk about the affair you had with my mother," Nancy says.

"Nancy, for the last fucking time. It wasn't an affair. We only fucked once by accident," Martin says. "Martin, that still doesn't excuse the fact that you broke our wedding vows," Nancy says. "Nancy, I'm not making excuses for what I did.

But I was drunk," Martin says. "Stop! Just stop. I am tired of hearing you were drunk. Come up with some new excuse," Nancy says. "Please forgive me," Martin says, as he walks upstairs towards the private residence.

I'm sorry, Martin. My answer is no! I will not forgive you," Nancy says. "You know what," Martin says, as he walks into his bedroom. "What?" Nancy asks. "Nancy, you aren't so innocent," Martin says.
"I am innocent compared to what you did. But what did I do?" Nancy asks. "Well, like the time," Martin starts to say. "Stop it right there," Nancy says, as she stops Martin mid sentence. "What do you want me to say?" Martin asks.

"I want you to tell me what I did wrong to you," Nancy says. "Nancy, so you don't remember what happened to your first son," Martin says. "Oh, you want to go there," Nancy says. "No, Nancy. I don't.

But you keep acting like you did nothing wrong," Martin says. "Well, that was a long time ago," Nancy says. "Like when I slept with your mother didn't happen a long time ago," Martin says. "But at least I didn't lie to my spouse about what happened," Nancy says. "Well, you would have a forgiven heart.

If you wouldn't have done what you did with our adopted son. I wouldn't have cheated on you with your mother," Martin says. "I know. I apologized so many times and you didn't forgive me. But I didn't expect you to cheat on me with my mother," Nancy says.

"I didn't either. I just happened," Martin says. "Well, I have to go. We will finish this conversation after the wedding," Nancy says. "Okay," Martin says.

"Bye," Nancy says. "Bye," Martin says, as the call ends. "Martin sighs, as he places the phone on the nightstand. Eight hours later, "Hello, your majesty," Christian says, as he sees Roy step out of the royal state car . "Hello," Roy says, as he and his Roy and his bodyguards walk past Christian.

"Okay," Christian says, as he follows Roy and bodyguards into the White House. "Where is Martin?" Roy asks. "He's in the Oval Office with Sam, your majesty," Christian says. "Thanks," Roy says, as he and his bodyguards start walking down the hallway. Minutes later, Roy knocks on the door and walks into the blue room.

"Hey," Martin says, as he sees Roy walking into the Oval Office. "Hey," Roy says. "What time does the wedding start?" Roy says. "Noon," Martin says. An hour later, Martin, Roy and other guests walked onto the south lawn.

Minutes later, the wedding began. Martin couldn't believe his eyes. When he saw Nancy walking down the aisle. He had to wipe away tears from his face, as the pastor started speaking. An hour later, during the wedding reception in the state dining room.

"Thank you for coming, Your majesties," Nancy says, as she walks towards Roy and Martin. "It's our pleasure. The ceremony was beautiful," Roy says. Thanks. The theme was love," Nancy says.

Martin clears his throat. "Martin, Is there something wrong?" Nancy asks. "Oh, it's just. We have to go," Martin says, as Roy and Martin turn to leave. "Wait," Nancy says.

"What now," Martin says, as he turns back around and looks at Nancy. "We have to talk," Nancy says. "Oh, sorry. I forgot. I'm giving you five minutes," Martin says.

"Okay. That's all the time I need," Nancy says, as she, Martin and Maranda walk into the east room. "Why?" Nancy asks, as she closes the door. "What do you mean, why?" Martin asks. "Why would you do this to me?" Nancy asks. Martin sighs. "Honey, we didn't mean too," Maranda says. "Mom, stop fucking lying to me," Nancy says.

"Honey, I'm not lying to you. We would never want to hurt you," Maranda says. "But you did," Nancy says, as she wipes away a tear from her face. "Nancy, we have been over this. We did not set out to hurt you.

We were drunk," Maranda says. "Can we just move on from this?" Martin asks. "No! We can not just move past this. Don't act like that was just the first time," Nancy says, as Martin gave Nancy a confused look. "What the hell are you talking about?" Martin asks.

Mar! Don't play dumb with me. Don't act like you don't know," Nancy says. "No I don't," Martin says. "Oh, so my mom didn't tell you," Nancy says. "What didn't Maranda tell me?" Martin asks, as he looks at Nancy.

"I'm not saying anything," Nancy says, as she looks at Maranda. "Maranda, what is going on?" Martin asks, as he looks at Maranda. "Uh," Maranda says, as she looks at Martin. "Answer me," Martin says. "Well.
Uh," Maranda says. "Cut the bullshit and tell me. I don't have an all damn evening," Martin says. Nancy shakes her head and sighs. "Do I really have to tell him?" Maranda asks, as she looks over at Nancy.

"Hell ya," Nancy says, as she looks at Maranda. "Well, I can't do this," Maranda says. "Momma, you better. Oh," Nancy says, as she starts pacing back and forth. Maranda scratches her forehead. "Somebody tell me what the hell is going on and start from the beginning," Martin says. "Uh," Maranda says, as she starts biting her nails. "Mom, stop biting your damn nails," Nancy says.

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