Martin goes home

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Three years later, hours after the inauguration ends. Martin steps out of the beast, as he walks up his parents driveway. He couldn't believe his eyes. When he walked onto his parents' new pouch. He whipped his eyes, as he knocked on the door.

"Michelle, there's someone at the door," Donald says. "Can you get the door, honey? I'm staying to finish this food," Michelle says, as she puts the chicken in the flower. "Fine. Who is it?" Donald asks angrily, as he walks towards the door. "It's me, dad," Martin says.

"Who is me?" Donald asks, as he unlocks the door. "It's Martin, dad," Martin says, as he sees the door fly open. "Donald couldn't believe his eyes. "Don, who's at the door?" Michelle asks, as she walks out of the kitchen. "Oh my god," Michelle says, as she sees Martin.

"Hi, mom," Martin says, as he hugs his mom. "Martin, what are you doing here?" Michelle asks. "Mom, let me go. You are choking me," Martin says. "Sorry," Michelle says, as she breaks the hug.

"Get in here and answer my question," Michelle says, as she and Donald step out of the way. "Okay," Martin says, as he walks into his parents house. Donald closes the door, as he follows them into the kitchen. "Mom, I can't stop by just to see my parents," Martin says, as he sits down at the table. "Baby, I didn't say you couldn't visit," Michelle says, as he placed the chicken in the oven.
I'm just trying to figure out," Michelle says. "What is there to figure out?" Martin asks. "Why are you here?" Michelle asks. "Can I stay here tonight?" Martin asks. "Why?" Donald asks.

"I can't stand to look at Rick right now," Martin says. "Yeah. You can stay here for tonight," Donald says. "Thanks dad," Martin says. "What did Rick do?" Michelle asks.

"He fucked Nancy," Martin says. "Uh, Martin. watch your mouth in my damn house," Michelle says. "Sorry mom," Martin says. "That's all," Donald says.

"No! He also has a child with Nancy," Martin says. Donald and Michelle look at each other with surprised expressions on their faces. "Are you lying to us," Michelle says, as she turns to look at Martin. "Mom, I'm not lying," Martin says. "Is this why he wants to marry her?" Donald asks, as he walks out of the dining room.

"Dad, I do not know," Martin says. "Mom, are you and dad going to the wedding?" Martin asks. "Sadly. No. We aren't going," Michelle says.

"Why?" Martin asks. "Your dad has to have surgery on that day," Michelle says, as she walks into the kitchen. "Surgery for what?" Martin asks. "A few days ago, he fell down the steps," Michelle says. "Is that why he's walking with a cane?" Martin asks.

"Yes. He also fractured his leg. So the doctors have to go in and put screws in his leg. "Okay. I'm gonna go get some sleep," Martin says.

"Okay. Good night," Michelle says, as she watches Martin walk up the stairs. Nine hours later, Martin rolled out of bed and walked downstairs. "Bye mom and dad. I'm gone," Martin says.

"Bye," Michelle says. "Bye son," Donald says. Four hours later, the beast arrived at the white house. Martin stepped out of the beast and walked into the white house. "Sir, where the hell have you been? Christian asks in a whisper.

"I went out of town to see my parents," Martin says, as he walks up the stairs to the private residence. Christian groans, as he walks down the hallway. "What the hell are you doing in here?" Martin asks, as he walks into his bedroom. "Waiting for you," Rick says. "Why?" Martin asks, as he walks into the bathroom.

"We need to talk," Rick says. "We have nothing to talk about," Martin says, as he turns on the shower and closes the door. Thirty minutes later, Martin walked out of the bathroom and gave a death stare to Rick. Which sent chills through Rick's body. "Mar, I'm sorry," Rick says.

"You can keep saying sorry. But it's still not gonna change the fact. I won't forgive you," Martin says, as he walks into the closet. "Please," Rick says. "Please leave," Martin asks, as he walks out of the closet.

"Fine. I'll go. But just know. I really didn't mean to hurt you," Rick says, as he walks out of the bedroom. Martin lets out a deep breath.

He didn't know he was holding. When Christian sees Rick walking down the private residence stairs. Rick stepped off the last step. "Is he ready yet?" Christian asks. "He's getting ready now," Rick says, as he starts walking away.

Minutes later, Martin walks down the private residence stairs. "Okay. I'm ready now," Martin says, as he stands next to Christian. "Are your parents coming?" Christian asks. "No.

My father is having surgery today," Martin says. "Oh," Christian says. "I just hope today goes well. I don't want any problems," Martin says. "I agree," Christian says.

"Shit," Martin says. "What's wrong?" Christian asks. "Look," Martin says, as he pointed to Nancy's mother. "Who is she?" Christian asks. "Nancy's mother," Martin says, as he tries to hide.

So Maranda won't see him. "Sir, she's not gonna come over here," Christian says. "Sure. She won't. Don't move," Martin says, as he tries to hide behind Christian.

"Martin, there's no need to hide from me," Maranda says, as she walks over to Martin. "I wasn't hiding. I had something in my eye," Martin says. "Sure. Whatever you say, Mr. President," Maranda says.

Nancy notices her mom talking to Martin. So she walked over to see what was going on. "Mom, what the hell are you doing?" Nancy asks. "I'm not doing anything. I can't talk to Martin", Maranda says.

"Hell no. You may not. We had a deal," Nancy says. "Nancy, you can't do this," Maranda says. "I can and I just did.

Now walk," Nancy says. "Fine," Maranda says, as she walks away. "Martin, stay away from my mother. Or else," Nancy says, as she turns around and walks away. "What was that all about?" Christian asks.

"Long story," Martin says, as he socrates his forehead. "I need a drink," Christian says, as he walks away. "Fuck," Martin whispers. Christian returns. "Sir, your phone is ringing," Christian says.

"Oh," Martin says, as he pulls out his phone. He looks at the screen. When he sees his mom's picture pop up on the screen. "Hello," Martin says, as he answers the phone. "Martin," Michelle says.

"Hey, Mom. What's wrong?" Martin asks. "It's about your dad," Michelle says. "What's wrong with dad?" Martin asks. "He's dead," Michelle says, as she hears the phone drop.

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