Chapter 00. Your life until now.

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ok so, Peter parker is yn's father and yns mother is related to pro hero midnight, but yns mother has passed quite early on in life so yn never really knew her well

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ok so, Peter parker is yn's father and yns mother is related to pro hero midnight, but yns mother has passed quite early on in life so yn never really knew her well. OK SO LISTEN.

Peter was the pro hero 'spiderman' and he was in the top 5 heroes, he was attacked by a villain who was pretty unknown, the prowler. And whilst fighting eachother, they both died ok, ik it's sad but it's her cannon event ok so shhhhh, when it all happened you were about 8, your quirk had developed a few years ago and it was very strong, you wanted to be just like your father and he loved that about you as long as you were happy.

When he was attacked, he was with you, it was a day he wasnt working, because heroes need breaks too, and the two of you were web slinging home, he was teaching you new ways to swing, like swinging by your feet, thread the needle blah blah blah and when he got attacked you were on the top of a roof watching everything happen, you wanted to save him and help but you didn't know what to do. You were stuck.

So when you did decide to swing down and do something, he was lying on the floor, bloody and bruised, taking his last breaths. Which is when he told you, he knew you would be a great hero one day, that you would live up to his name and make he and your mother proud. He told you "with great power, comes great responsibility" and then, you never spoke to him again.

When his body was taken away, you were with the police, they called your emergency contact, your aunt Nemuri. From then on, she signed the papers and you lived with her, she was your favourite aunt and you were already familiar with her as she'd babysit you on nights she was off and your father had to patrol, etc.

When the funeral came around. You clinged onto her and sobbed, you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. You told her how you thought it was your fault and how you could have done more, how if you had done something he may still be here. But she reminded you, "oh honey, your still a child" and that really, anything you did probably would have just gotten yourself killed. His grave was placed near your mothers in your family graveyard. You visited it every chance you could, and tried to speak to them as much as you could. But over time, well, you got older, you didn't have the time, you were growing your quirk and becoming stronger by the day, but you still went when you were having one of those days, and just wanted to see them and have a good cry, because that's normal.

See your mothers quirk was somewhat similar to her sisters (midnight ofc) but not entirely, along with pretty much being a human spider, you could use electricity, you had these spidey senses that would sort of alarm you of danger, and you could go invisible which was pretty fun (like miles) but, one thing that had developed a little later was another type of web, you had your normal web and a new type which could actually effect people, when it touches another persons skin, it dissolves into this mist that makes them fall asleep, pretty weird huh? But pretty useful, you've never actually used it on anyone before but your aunt by accident, which is when you started to practice how to choose your web.

When the time came that you had to go back to elementary school, your aunt had moved you to same one a family friend friends son goes to, Shoto Todoroki, now you were pretty familiar with the Todoroki family, you and Shoto were both the same age, sometimes Enji would allow Touya to babysit you, he was only a few years older and you could say you had a little girl crush on him which your aunt would tease you about, but something you never understood is why your spidey senses would always become weird around him, but you thought they just weren't in control because you didn't know how to control them yet so you never told aunt nemuri, which is what made it more devastating when you found out he had 'died'. You and your aunt felt so bad for the family and you still never said anything, you tried to forget about it at this point. But that's a story for later.

When your elementary years came to an end, your aunt knew how much you wanted to be a hero, just like that you were in UA, with the other pro heroes you were close with like family like mic or erasure, you wanted to do the entrance exam, but she had already gotten you in, which was a little annoying as you wanted to show off your power but hey you didn't care too much, you figured you could just use the time to train yourself anyways, which you did, you even trained with Shoto a few times, he was pretty much your only friend apart from your aunt (who was actually your best friend but don't tell Sho ofc) and some of the pros, but you were okay with that, you enjoyed spending time alone, swinging through the streets and sitting at you and your fathers old spot, listening to music and escaping the world with movies, going on the less dangerous patrols with your aunt and training with the pros who knew your father and wanted to show you moves they trained with him.

(So we're going to start on like episode 6, soz guys😣)

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