Chapter 23. Back to school

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It felt good to be back in class

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It felt good to be back in class. You know, you were excited to be with everyone. You had only just gotten there and not many people had arrived yet but you were just chatting with the ones who had arrived.

You were stood in a little group with sero, Ochaco, tsu and tokoyami. Since the internship youd became better friends with tokoyami, you never really knew him that well before.

Eventually more people arrived and nearly everyone was here. Except for bakugo?

Speak of the devil and he will arrive because just as you all wondered where he was he arrived. But his hair was weird. It was.. flat?

You Kirishima and sero started laughing hysterically, this was too much to handle in the morning.

"HOLY CRAP WHAT THE HECK BAKUGO" Kirishima and sero said in unison? They definitely share a brain cell.

Bakugo was SHAKING in anger, clenching his fists.

"Stop laughing. My hairs gotten used to this and I can't get it back the right way. Did you not hear me. I'll kill the three of you." He tried to threaten.

"ID LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY PRETTY BOY!" Sero replied, he got bakugou there.

You almost wanted to touch it. It looked so, normal? You placed your hand on his head and ruffled it the way aizawa does to yours. I mean he never tried to move your hand or say anything so he probably didn't mind. After you kirishima and sero had teased him so much he started to shout like he usually does, and it just popped back up.

His anger must have just made it pop.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!?" He shouted to sero. You all couldn't help but laugh again. Gosh annoying bakugo was funny. You ruffled his spiky hair once more and laughed pulling you hand away. He fell quiet. Still angry, but, quiet.

Once class started all might had announced we were doing physical training, aizawa was probably resting somewhere. And he mentioned you had wear your hero costumes, YES!

Of course mineta complained because it's the first day back after a week of training but the rest of you were pumped!

Once you had arrived at the training facility in your costumes and ready, all might stood infront of you all.

"I AM HERE! Hope your ready to return to your lessons! Today it's hero basic training. Feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back, now then listen carefully for what's in store, we're going to be conducting a little race! Take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training!" He smiled.

"If it's rescue training then shouldn't we be at the usj instead?!?" Iida asked, he always seemed to have a question.

"Ah! That facility specialises in disasters, as I said earlier this is a race, so prepare!" Then he carried on to explain the facility, how we'd compete in groups of 5 and how the 'factories' inside make a labrynth, you'd all be in different locations and whoever finds him first wins.

You already knew this was going to go well for you, races are your thing plus your spidey senses would definitely come in handy.

The first five were sero, Mina, iida, Midoriya and ojiro.

"Iida hasn't recovered yet, he should sit this one out!" Kaminari said,

"Yeah and everyone in this group has really good mobility." Kirishima replied.

"And whenever Midoriya uses his power he always gets badly injured." Jirou added.

"Who's your pick?" Kirishima asked us.

"I'm gonna say sero." You said

"NO WAY IM BETTING ON SERO TOO!" Kirishima exclaimed and high fived you.

"Oh yeah, I got odds on ojiro." Kaminari added,

"I choose Ashido because she's got a super athletic bod it's so-" mineta went to continue, but you weren't having it, you slung a web at his mouth sticking it shut, and rolled your eyes, it even made a few people laugh.

"I know deku will be last." Bakugo stated sure of himself, you just turned around and stared at him, he couldn't see your face but he could tell you were annoyed by the way he was talking about izuku.

And bakugo only thought to himself things like: why did she care about him, he's not special, he's just a looser why does she like him.

Now this might show that he cares about her, but he'd never admit it.

(You fr)

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(You fr)

The first match had started and everyone was after all might.

"It's like this course was built with me in mind!" Sero said cocky as ever. As he used his tape to swing him over poles, the way you did with your webs.

"Hey y/n looks like seros stealing some of your moves" Kaminari smirked at you,

"Copy cat" you replied and chuckled.

However he was taken over by izuku, izuku was using his quirk and not breaking any bones? Damn his internship must have been really effective.

However by the time they'd all made it to all night sero had already won. "ALL RIGHT!" He congratulated himself.

The five of them had made it back to you and you were all now just waiting for all might to come and announce the next groups, seeing how easy it was for sero you knew you'd win too.

Sero walked over to you kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou and momo.

"Congrats" you said to him, smirking under your mask.

"Couldnt 'a done it without your help" he smirked and winked at you, throwing an arm around your shoulder,

"Hey how bout I take you out in celebration hermosa?" He looked down at you smugly.

"Nice try." You looked up at him through the eyes of your mask.

"Hey man stop trying to take my girl" Kaminari bickered with sero, you just laughed and walked away like the it girl you are.

"Hey y/n where you going?" Kirishima asked,
Sounding disappointed that you walked away.

You looked back and shrugged as you went to see Mina, well you were going over to Mina but you felt someone glaring blades into the back of you so you turned around and no surprise, it was bakugo, of course it was.

So you decided to walk up to him,

"How you feeling about the race?" You asked, cocking your head to the side and crossing your arms as you stood beside him.

"I'm going to win." He said, sounding like it was a growl

"I don't doubt it" You hyped him up. Making him smirk and look forward as all might approached ready to announce the next group.

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