Chapter 27. Shopping with 1A

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(Outfit inspo for later on)

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(Outfit inspo for later on)

Near the end of the day all battles were fought. Quite a few we're pretty intense, bakugo and Midoriya even ended up passed out and in recovery girls care. Once again.

However I'm sure everyone was glad now that the final exams had ended, that didn't mean that we weren't going to do more training though.

You still hadn't told anyone about that encounter you'd had with that boy though. You were trying so hard to remember who he was. But you'd forgotten most of your childhood, and only remembered the most of your memories with your father. I guess you didn't want to remember anything else but him, your father.

However nothing like that had happened since, you were being more cautious when walking home.

During class the next day everyone was talking about camp, but not everyone was sure what was going on, and of course uncle aizawa showed up just in time to explain.

"Morning. Unfortunately there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams, so when it comes to the training camp in the woods.." he looked down darkly, before shooting up like he'd been hit with rays of light "EVERYONE IS GOING!" He shouted.

"ITS A LAST MINUTE TWIST!!!" Mina, Kaminari, sato and kirishima shouted with tears of joy in their eyes.

"The good news is that no one bummed the written exam, 5 failed the practical, badly, 2 teams of course, and sero failed aswell." Aizawa continued, and name shamed sero, making him groan and sink in his chair to embarrassment.

"Allow me to explain, for the practical battles teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win otherwise you never would have stood a chance, we were interested in observing how you each work together to approach the task at hand." Gosh aizawa could really be a yapper every now and then.

"But didn't you promise the teachers weren't going to hold back?" Ojiro made a fair point.

"That was just to get you on edge, besides the training camp will focus on building your strength, those who failed need the lessons the most, we were never going to separate you, that was just a logical deception we used!" He grinned maniacally, you found his reaction funny and lowkey chuckled to yourself at his grin whilst the 5 who failed were shouting at aizawa because of this 'logical deception'.

"Mr aizawa this is the second time you've lied to us, aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?" Iida shot up to ask.

"That's a good point, I'll consider it, but I wasn't lying to you about everything. Failure is failure." He sternly looked towards Mina, Sato, Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari while they were celebrating.

You let a silent "oooooh" out in amusement smirking at them as they death glared you, but then refocused their glares toward aizawa, but the glare turned more to fear as he continued to explain their 'extra lessons'

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