This cant be right..?

111 1 4

"Tom what do you mean "Gabby isn't here" .. She must be! From what Fiore said!"

"Aiden. She is one of the people that we have recalled missing."

"Me and Fiore have something regrading it-"

I gab him in the leg

"whhhat are you on about Dad?"


"Well when is this meet up?"

"Uhh.. We haven't decided yet but we need everyone we know!"

"What was so uncalled for dad?"

I give Aiden a death stare. TRYING to tell him to shut it.

"Nothing! But maybe meet in a day or two at —— street at twelve o clock?"

"That seems pretty good to me!"

I feel a little tap on my shoulder and I turn around. They call my name and I follow. Do I know this person? We stop at a corner.

"Do I know you..?"


"Hello? Are you gonna say anything other than my name??"


"Ew freak.. leave me go?"

"I am not real."


"I am not real."

"You said that already?"

"You are not real."

"Now your just going mad lady!"

"You are not real."

"I'm gonna go now...?"

"Don't leave."

"Freak let me go!"

"Don't leave."

"Don't leave me again."


"Don't leave me again."

I yell in fear


"They can't hear you."

"They can't hear you."

"Am I hallucinating? Why did I even follow you!"



"Why are you repeating everything twice..?"



"You said I couldn't leave?"

I roll my eyes

"Don't run. Stay."


This time she didn't repeat it twice. It sounded like two people were talking. I proceed to run as fast as I can. Everything is black. I run until I hit someone.

A calm but worried voice picks me up

"Fiore where did you go? You just disappeared..?"

I recognise this voice. It's Aiden my dad. I say with tears in my eyes hugging Aiden tightly


"Calm down Fiore."

He hugs me back in his arm

"Who is 'She'? Fiore your my daughter and I'll understand and believe everything that you say."

"I can't remember what she looks like. She called my name. Then repeated everything twice. Told me that she wasn't real. Then she said I wasn't real.. after that she said don't leave me again..?I yelled for help and she said nobody could hear me then she said Run. Then she said Don't run away. Then she said Run but straight after that Dont run away. It was so scary. And I'm not one to be afraid.."

"Woah woah slow yourself."

"Fiore this seems serious? Aiden have you ever tried to get her diagnosed with schizophrenia?"


"It seems like a serious case of schizophrenia..


Tom sighs


"Please. Please don't leave me Dad."

"I won't. And never will. Now we don't need to get back before sunrise."

I say in tears.

"I cant."

"You can't what Fiore?"

Aiden looks at me shocked

"She said something about destiny. Is all this Destiny."

"Fiore don't worry about that."

"This can't be right."

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