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Carly, Freddie, Sam, and Gibby embark on a Bigfoot adventure after Paul arranges a meeting with a renowned Bigfoot researcher. As they delve into the mysterious forest, strange occurrences heighten their excitement and fears. The group soon realizes that the researcher might have his own agenda, leading them on an unexpected journey filled with suspense and laughter.

Freddie gently holds Carly's hair as she deals with morning sickness.

Freddie: "Morning, babe. Rough start?"

Carly: *nods* "Yeah, this pregnancy thing is no joke. How do you stay so composed?"

Freddie: "Lots of practice, I guess. But seriously, we're in this together. Anything you need, I'm here."

Carly: *smiles* "I appreciate that. Maybe I'll trade my morning sickness for your composure."

Freddie lovingly addresses their unborn baby girl.

Freddie: "Hey there, little one. It's Daddy. Your mom and I have been talking about you a lot."

Carly: *smiles* "Yeah, we can't wait to meet you, sweetheart."

Freddie: "You've got two parents who are pretty excited and ready to give you all the love in the world. Your mom's been a trooper, even with the morning sickness."

Carly: "And your dad's been amazing, talking to you even before you arrive. We're a team, baby girl."

Freddie: "Can't wait to see your tiny fingers and toes, to hold you close and tell you all about the adventures we'll have together. You're already so loved, Grace."

Carly expresses her excitement to Freddie about their soon-to-arrive baby.

Carly: "Freddie, I can't believe how close we are to meeting Grace. It's like a mix of anticipation and joy."

Freddie: "I feel the same way, Carly. Our little family is about to grow, and it's both thrilling and surreal."

Carly: "I've been imagining what she'll be like, the moments we'll share. It's overwhelming, but in the best way possible."

Freddie: "We're going to be great parents, Carly. I can't wait to see you holding her, and all the little moments we'll create as a family."

Carly: "Our lives are about to change in the most beautiful way, and I couldn't be more excited to share it all with you, Freddie."

Freddie expresses his eagerness for the upcoming arrival of their baby in September.

Freddie: "Carly, September feels like it's taking forever to arrive. I'm so ready for our little one to be here."

Carly: "I know, Freddie. The wait is killing me too. I'm counting down the days until we get to hold her in our arms."

Freddie: "Imagine the first time we get to see her face, the first little cry. It's going to be magical."

Carly: "And all the sleepless nights and diaper changes too, but I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone else."

Freddie: "Agreed. Our lives are about to change, and I can't wait to navigate this new adventure with you, Carly."

Carly expresses her excitement about their upcoming wedding and the anticipation of becoming Freddie's wife.

Carly: "Freddie, thinking about our wedding on June 4th gets me even more excited. It's going to be amazing, and then just a few months later, we'll welcome our little one."

Freddie: "I can't believe how perfect the timing is. Our wedding day is going to be unforgettable, and having our daughter shortly after is like a dream come true."

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