●Chapter 2: Children of discharge

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Seven years have passed. During these same years, Tsunade has collected other abandoned children, which is why she also was called "Mom Tsunade."
Like every day, Mum and children Tsunade recueillèrent waste still usable but then sell them for pennies. Shizune was not with them because she had gone in search of jobs.
Children sometimes found some baubles that could be used in the house.

" Hey, Mom Tsunade! I found an electric whisk! -cried a little boy with curly hair dark brown- Like that, Mom Tsunade, you can now make us pancakes! =D

-it's OK! You will have pancakes for dessert! -announced Mom Tsunade. ;-)

-Yeeeeeeees! "cried with joy with other children. (^0^)

-Besides, I will start preparing lunch. Stay wise, huh." said Mom Tsunade.

" Hanabi! -exclaims another brown boy, speaking to a little girl of her age.

-Mmh? -said Hanabi.

-I Found a doll for you. -said the brown boy- She has the same hair as you, roses like yours.

-Thanks! -thanks Hanabi, kissing on the cheek of the boy.

The boy blushed.

-Hey, Tomato! -said the boy with curly hair dark brown.

-Huh? -said Hanabi.

-Hey! Niku turned red as a tomato because he's loveeeeeeeeer-uh! -said the boy with curly brown.

-Niku is loveeeeeeer uh! Niku is in love with Hanabi. -said the other children.

-But Let him alone! -said Hanabi.

-Me at least I no bursting slab to pancakes, BOUCLETTE!! -Against-attacked Niku.

-EEEEEEEEEEENH! -said the other children.

-Me at least I'm not a sissy girl who dreams of the night, saying, "Oh my love I'm your prince charming!" or that says "My Princess, I offer you a pretty doll ..." -said the boy with curly hair brown dubbed "Ringlet".

-EEEEEENNH! -said then laughed children.

-You don't say anything! I never said that! Liar. -said angry Niku.

-Oh Yes? Are you sure?" Bouclette provoked.

Hanabi with long pink hair ran through Konoha discharge towards the house of Mama Tsunade.

"Tsunade Mom! Mom Tsunade! -cried Hanabi.

-What? What? What's happening, my little?! -cried Tsunade.

-It Niku and Bouclette! -replied Hanabi.

-What did they did?!? " Asked Tsunade.

Mom and Tsunade Hanabi then came running there.

" Niku! Bouclette! Stop your nonsense! -yelled Tsunade Mom.

Mamma Tsunade??! -cried the two boys.

-Stop Fighting! That's enough! -Mom got mad Tsunade.

-But Mom ... Tsunade! -cried the boys.

-There isn't "But Mom Tsunade" that takes! Both of you are punished! You will not have dessert!" -Tsunade said.

Mom Tsunade went to catch what she was doing in the kitchen.

" Oh, nooo! You give me, guys? Asks Bouclette to other children.

-Weeeeeeeell... -answered and whistled children.

-Waterfowl Species false brethren! -got angry Bouclette.

-Well done for you! -laughed Niku.

-All of this is actually your fault Hanabi! It's because of you that Mom Tsunade yelled at me and punished me by depriving eating pancakes! -said Bouclette.

-Scouldn't bother us! -Said Hanabi who stuck his tongue.

-On This point ... I agree with Bouclette. -said Niku.

-Huh? But ...! -said Hanabi becoming a sad blow.

-You're not my friend!" Niku said.

The boy began to run as far as possible in the landfill.

"Nikuuu!" -Hanabi screamed sadly.

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