●Chapter 4

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Back in the discharge of Konoha, in the rain ...

" Oh, no! I lost myself. It's already dark. What am I going to do? I have still not recovered Niku. It's all my fault. If I had not said Niku and Bouclette fought, he can not not run away. Plus I do not know the location of the landfill. -dit Hanabi clutching her doll against his chest.

- Hahahahaharg! -laughted a man.

-Who is it? " Hanabi asked frightened.


To the house of Mama Tsunade ...

" NIKUUUU! HANABIIII! -yelled Tsunade.

-HANABIIIIIIIII !!! NIKUUU !!! WHERE ARE YOU? " Screamed in turn children.

Shizune came.

" But what happens here, aunt? -asked Shizune.

-Children! The children disappeared! It's been hours and Niku Hanabi does not return! Oh my God! I'm so scared! -said Tsunade.

-And if they had gone to the other side of the landfill. -said Shizune.

-Yes that's true. I saw Hanabi chasing Niku. I thought he was playing hide hide. -said a child.

-And you saw them run to the other side of the landfill? You sure, Sarah? -said Tsunade with tears in his eyes.

-Yes. -answered the girl ➡ Sarah.

-I'll Get Hanabi! It's all my fault. - said Bouclette.

-You Forget Niku, Bouclette. -said Sarah.

-No! You stay here in case if Hanabi and Niku happened. -said Shizune.

Mamma Tsunade! Mom Tsunade! -yelled a little boy.

-What? What is it? -asked Tsunade.

-I Found the doll had found Niku for Hanabi! -said the boy.

-Where? -asked Shizune.

-In Other side of the discharge. -answered the boy.

-Vaut Better that we go all together, Mom Tsunade. In many, the faster they will be found. -said Bouclette.

-Yes! -said children.

-But ... Okay! But be careful all, eh? -said Tsunade.

-Yes, Mom Tsunade! -said children.

-So All take what this defense in case! " Shizune said.


In the other side of the landfill, in an old shack not very bright ...

" Let me go! Let me go! _hurla Hanabi.
-Hahahahaharg! -laughted ... taking Hanabi by its long pink hair.

-But Let me go, I tell you! " Hanabi was struggling.

The person Hanabi threw in a kind of cell that served as a bedroom.

" So here together the two small protected the old witch ... " said a man a little but not too coated with white hair and a mustache, a long white beard.

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