8 Clubbing?

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Amar's pov:

"I was wondering if you'd like to go?" I stare at him with my mouth open. What?!

"Don't people usually...?" He waits patiently for me to finish the rest of my question. I can't watch strangers just. Can I? I mean it's not that bad is it? Isn't it weird if we go and don't... do anything? "I mean we're not going have sex?" I ask. I would be open to having sex but I don't want my first time to him to be in public and he said he wasn't ready and wanted to mate and mark each other for the first time.

"Intercourse? No. We could have sex in other ways though. I could introduce you to some of my friends if you don't want to go to the club without knowing anyone and we could safe the club experience for another time instead." He looks at me we all the kindness and understanding in the world before he reaches across the table to grab my hand.

"Your friends?" He waits for me to finish my thought before he shares his response. "What type of friend? Have you had sex with them before?" I take a slow drink of my tea as my nerves begin to settle into nothingness. I am excited to meet people that know him and who he is inside of this lifestyle but I don't know if I want to dive into the public just yet.

"I have, one of them, yes. Does that bother you at all?" I could lie and say I wasn't intrigued by it in anyway but I don't know that I am bothered.

"I don't think so. I mean, it doesn't bother me as much that you've done it. I have friends that I've experimented with and everything. I think that's not abnormal, I think it's a good sign that you have remained friends afterwards, speaks something to your maturity and who you choose to surround yourself with," I tilt his hand in my own and watch as his body relaxes slightly. I know he really wants my approval. I tuck my hair behind my ear and give us both a second to process what I've just said. "Would you do that with this person again?" I pause and he begins to open his mouth but I interrupt his thought, "If I gave you permission, I don't believe you would without my permission of course. I think I may be open to that if it would be pleasurable for... well both of us."

 "Um, I might yes." He blushes slightly, a blush. He's so beautiful when he blushes. He's always so beautiful.

"If the situation was right?" He nods and I pull my hand back again.

"He is a switch, and dates another switch. They only participate in BDSM in the bedroom, which is my expectation at least for this relationship. If you were truly interested I would talk to both of them about it," I smile, but I knock myself out of it, a foursome? what am I thinking. It's just the bond, it's just the bond. "If you're not interested we don't need to worry about a foursome, I'm sure it's far in the future. We don't need to worry about it I'm only interested if you are. Would like to meet them today? You might even learn something," he winks at me and I laugh with a nod.

"I would love to. I just don't know how comfortable I am in talking about sex with your friends." I'm not comfortable. I could've said that, but I don't want to. I don't want to be limited by my comforts are the time. If I stayed in my comfort I would miss him. I would have missed everything we've experienced in this short time period. This is just, maybe too much right now. Maybe the atmosphere is just too much for me to digest and focus on today, or before we're secure in our relationship.

"I understand, we don't have to discuss anything you don't want to. We can just have a simple dinner if you would be willing," I nod.

"I don't want to prevent a conversation that would help us grow I just think I might need some time to adjust. We might get to having those conversations and I could be comfortable I just want you to know beforehand, that I am unsure." He gets up and takes his plate and mine to the kitchen. He comes back and gives me a kiss on the forehead before helping me out of my seat. 

"Let's go shower, and then we can get dressed for the day," I just raise my eyebrows at him and follow him as he leads me out to the shower in his bathroom. He undresses me softly while kissing the new showing skin. "You're so beautiful," he bites gently at my chest and I tilt my head back.

"I really enjoy these moments with you," it was true, I did. I feel his smile against the nape of my neck. He kisses my neck and then steps away and starts the shower. What if we're moving too quickly? He's nice and everything, and he looks nice and feels nice- what am I saying? I pull myself out of the hole I had fallen into. I slip off my pants and the rest of what I have on and my bracelet.

I step into the shower while he washes his hair keeping mine away from the water. He laughs at me slightly and I just tilt my head in question.

"Do you want me to wash you so you don't get your hair wet?"

"So I don't get my hair wet? Oh how considerate." He nods. He washes my chest and eventually kneals to watch the rest of my body. It's domestic and sweet, he kisses me and then turns away but I grab the back of his neck and pull his body back into mine.

January 11th, 2024
Edited February 28th

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