➤ special customer

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        𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 of the bell on the door rang, letting Sakai know that someone had walked in. It was weird, though. The male was sure he put up the 'closed' sign just a few seconds ago.

"Excuse me?" Sakai approached the male with a smile. "Sorry, but we're closed for today." 

The boy paused to stare at Sakai for a while before quickly speaking. "Really? I could've sworn this place closed at midnight."

"Ah, that's only on the weekends." Sakai clicked his tongue.

"Oh..." Sakai took notice of how the boy in front of him had a look of despair on his face. "You think you can make an exception?"

Sakai blinked a few times in complete shock. This was something he hadn't expected. And the man was so upfront about it too. "An exception?"

"I'm sure you just closed not too long ago, so it wouldn't hurt to take my small order, right? It won't be long."

"I don't really do this, so I don't know--"

"I'll pay you extra."

"Right this way, sir." Sakai smiled and pushed away any bad feelings he previously had while guiding the male to the register. "What can I get you?"

"I'll take a dozen of your dorayaki's." He responded, taking out his black card. 

'This guy's gotta be loaded--' Sakai thought to himself while fetching the treats for the man. "Here you go! Thank you so much!" 'Whoa, he even left a tip!'

The male took the box of treats and smiled at the employee. "No, thank you for allowing me to be your special customer."

Sakai chuckled, rubbing the back of his nape. "Ah, no problem. Just make sure you come back during our open hours next time."

As if contagious, the customer couldn't help but share a small laugh as he began walking towards the door. "Will do. Take care." He dismissed and walked out the door.

Once he was gone, Sakai let out a breath he didn't know was locked in him. Although the man seemed pretty nice, it still creeped him out being able to sense his dark blue eyes focus on him with every move he made.

It also looked like he wasn't from this part of town due to his extravagant and luxurious clothing. The café was close to the countryside and the man looked like he was from town.

Sakai, however, shook off those thoughts and quickly put away things. He didn't want to have to serve any more "special customers" this late at night.

He exited the small building and checked to see if the 'closed' sign was up. Sure enough, it was. It was hard to miss, too. He wondered how the male didn't see it. 

'Whatever.' He shook his head and began his walk home.

Sakai was scrolling on his phone and that's when he felt it. He felt himself being watched, which he didn't like. He didn't know how to fight or defend himself, so he was literally helpless.

He looked all around him but, of course, he didn't see a single soul. With a shaky sigh, Sakai began picking up his pace until he eventually was fully running.

He kept looking back now and then to make sure he wasn't being followed and every time he was met with nothing but darkness.

Once he saw his apartment in view, he began slowing down because there was a night patrol officer. He felt a lot safer now. If anyone truly was following him, they would have to go through him first.

'Man,' He thought, flopping onto his warm and soft bed. 'I'm never covering for that loser again.'



who do you think this "special customer" was? 🤭

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋┃𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now