Story #1

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I've never tried something like this before so I'm just going to test this out with the first two stories. Please give me your feedback through comments or messaging me! Let me know if you'd like me to continue!

JazākumAllāhu Khayran (May God reward you with good); Shukran (thank you)


A qualified medical worker from India emigrated to Canada to live a better life. This Muslim brother had a beard. He applied to many different places for a job and was called for interviews. Though he was highly qualified for the jobs, the interviewers hesitated to hire him because of his beard. One by one, he was rejected from all the companies. One interviewer actually mentioned to him indirectly that his beard was an obstacle to getting the job. Trully, it was a big test for him from Allāh. Hopeless and exhausted, the brother decided to remove the obstacle, which was to shave off his beard. Then he returned to that company and requested for another interview. When the interviewer saw him without a beard this time, he refused to give him the job again. The brother became confused and asked to know the reason. The interviewer said "If you are not faithful to your God, how will you be faithful to us?"

This true incident was narrated to us by a friend who personally knows this brother, however, his identity will remain private. In reality, obeying the commandments of Allāh does not bring failure. In the beginning, we may face various problems, but the end results will be very sweet. Prophet of Allāh (SAW) also faced many problems in the beginning, but in the end, he saw how hundreds and thousands of people turned towards Allāh for his steadfastness. Ibn 'Umar, may God be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allāh, may Allāh bless him and give him peace, ordered us to trim closely the mustache and leave the beard as it is (that is grow the beard)." (Reported in Sahih al-Bukhāri and Sahih Muslim.)

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