My Dear Ranpo

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(A/N: You know how much I love Relationship Reveals, so I decided to branch out, at least in terms of ships. This is my first time writing Ranpo so sorry if it's bad. Also I do feel kinda bad cuz I got  a soukoku request, and I am working on that but I haven't had much writng inspiration for a week or two now so when I go the idea for thids I had to write it. No beta we die like Tachihara's brother.)

Kunikida's Perspective

As soon as Ranpo walked in we knew something was wrong. He was missing his glasses.

Twenty minutes later, he sits at his desk staring off into the distance, untouched snacks.

"Hey, Ranpo-san, you look ill, want some tea? It's a special herbal blend from my village. It's what my mother always gave me and my siblings when we were ill, cured us right up." Kenji smiles brightly, offering a mug to Ranpo.

"No. I'm not ill at all, the greatest detective in the world does not fall ill! I'm simply bored from being around so many regular people."

Kenji smiles, knowing not to be offended.


This goes on a few more times as Yosano and I try to convince the clearly ailing detective to return home. I even offered to drive him, though now that I think about it I have no idea where he lives. (I know he used to live with the president but surely he doesn't anymore.)

Each time the detective gives no more hint of giving in than before, if anything he becomes more adamant about staying.


Just as Atsushi steps up to try his hand at shaking the detective's resolve there's a faint knock on the door. Who could it be now? This is early for Dazai to come in and he never knocks. Is it perhaps a raid, the old man in the Black Lizard attack squad has been known to knock before raids, to give the appearance of a normal customer.

Cautiously I head over to the door and peer through the door viewer. To my relief, it isn't Dazai or the Black Lizard. But I do feel bad for the man on the other side of the door. This particular Guild member has been a common sight this past year, but Ranpo is extra stubborn today, so I'm sure he won't feel up to reading any of the books he brings. I should at least warn the novelist.

I open the door.

The Guild novelist bows and gives a polite greeting "Ohayōgozaimasu, Kunikida-san" then walks right past me, before I can warn him. He shows no trace of his trademark shyness.

(A/N: thinking of that episode where someone, either Kunikida or Dazai enters the agency office and is like "OHAYŌ!" and it's the loudest thing ever)

He strides right up to Ranpo's desk, placing a hand immediately on the man's forehead. Ranpo looks up, leaning into the novelist's touch. The novelist huffs and pulls his hand back, only to start stroking Ranpo's hair.

"Take me home Edgar," Ranpo demands, it sounds more like a sigh. What!? Now all of a sudden? What changed?

"Of course, I am dreadfully sorry the meeting with my publisher took so long. You're ready to go home, my dear?"

Ranpo nods, already standing, no trace of stubbornness visible in his expression, he looks calm, if somewhat dismayed at his illness, as he leans against the taller man's shoulder. Ranpo's eyes are closed. He shovers and the racoon that always accompanies the Guild member crawls onto his shoulders, settling down like a fur collar.

Is the novelist going to drive him home? I suppose that it isn't too surprising that he knows where Ranpo lives since they're friends. They are standing rather close to being just friends though, but Ranpo is strai– . . . (Truthfully, at least that I've noticed, he's never shown interest in anyone in the entire time I've known him.)

"You can hold Karl in the car if you're cold, with that fever of yours you must be," the Guild member tuts, "I must tell you that it was entirely unnecessary of you to come into the office today, surely your CEO wouldn't have minded. I would have much preferred you stayed home, I was quite startled when I found these." He places the glasses on Ranpo and places a sticky note to his forehead, pressing it onto the detective's skin with a kiss.

I struggle to read the note as the two men walk towards the door, shoulder to shoulder. It reads "Come get me, I'm bored." in English.

What is the meaning of this? I knew people were more tactile in American culture, but this? This is a bit much no . . . unless . . .?

Ranpo only "hmmm"s quietly, leaning closer to the novelist.

"Do promise me, dear, that next time you're unwell or think you may be coming down with something, let me know. I'm happy to have my personal physician check on you."

Ranpo coughs and it sounds suspiciously like "Rich people!" Then he does speak, "You worry too much Edgar. I may be your dear, but I'm not that breakable."

Or at least I'm pretty sure that's what he says, my English isn't as perfect as it could be.

All at once things click into place. They're dating. I know that professionally, I should be at least a little annoyed but I'm not Ranpo's superior, that role was given to the president and the president only. I can't blame Ranpo for wanting to keep his personal life out of work, and the Guild hasn't given us trouble in some time now, besides they look so sweet together.

I don't try to stop them as they leave, instead looking around at the expressions of my colleagues. Whether shocked or endeared I know we all have some questions, but those can wait until Ranpo is feeling well again.

(A/N: This turned out much softer than I intended but I actually like it. I hope you do as well even though The relationship reveal isn't as intense. It was kind of refreshing for me to write Kunikida as accepting of a relationship as opposed to other reveals I've written, mainly soukoku so it's understandable.)

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