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( - season one, episode four )

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( - season one, episode four )

ALAYNA shifts uncomfortably, legs hitched up the wall as she stares up at the ceiling.

"Layna?" Percy whispers. Alayna blinks once, twice, still staring at the ceiling. Percy shifts onto his side and looks over at her. "You awake?"

Alayna swallows and opens her mouth to respond, fingers playing with each other on her chest. "Yeah." She mumbles back.

It's silent again, only the sound of Percy's breathing and Alayna's fingers messing with her blanket breaking it. "About Medusa..." Alayna starts, hand beginning to twirl her hair.

"I.." Percy starts, sighing out. "I should've never doubted you." He licks his lips, eyes scanning the ceilings. "If there's anyone I'd trust to take a bullet for me it'd be you." He whispers.

Alayna smiles, nails picking at each other as she leans her head closer to Percy's spot. "I'd do much more." She nods.

Percy waits until something new to say pops up in his head, but nothings clicks. "Your dad's stupid." Alayna whispers towards him. Percy's eyebrows raise as he looks down at her.

"He's stupid for ignoring someone like you," she explains, nodding her head. "Someone as fearless and... and as fierce as you." Her eyebrows furrow.

"Maybe I shouldn't be disrespecting a god, but—" she swallows, tapping her foot against the floor. "You're doing all this for him, and he doesn't even bother to look your way."

Percy swallows back tears as she speaks, face heating up and nose burning. "You're better than all of this. Medusa was right, we aren't our parents."

Percy lays on his back again, legs moving as he tries to get comfortable. "Sorry." She mumbles a short apology towards her friend who sighs.

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