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~ No One's POV ~
Caiyia bags are all packed and are on her bed. She left her room and walked to Sting's dorm. She's really nervous. Sting and Caiyia have a real good friendship. She loves him like a brother, but he likes her more.

10 minutes later, she's in front of Sting's dorm. She waits for a minute, then knocks.

" Come in. " Sting's voice said from inside his office. She opened the door slowly, then walked in and closed.

She doesn't see Rogue sitting at the table doing homework. She walked to his desk and stood in front of it. Sting puts his pen down and looks up. He smiles.

" Hi. " Sting says. She smiles nervously. " Hi, do you have a minute? " She asked. He looked at Rogue, and he nodded his head. Sting looks back at Caiyia and nods his head. " Yeah, I got a minute. Sit down. " He said, moving his notebook and textbook.

" Ok, what's on your mind? " Sting asked. Feeling another presence next to her. She turned her head and saw Rogue in the chair next to her. He smiled. A small smile appears on her face. " Um, I think it's best if I leave school. " Caiyia said. Sting flinches, and unrecognizable expression appears on his face. " Why do you think it's a good idea for you to leave the dormitory? " He asked. She gulps and looks straight at him, in the eyes. " I don't feel comfortable. The other dormmates are making inappropriate comments and jokes about me. Except for Yukino, she's been helping me through it. " Caiyia says, standing up. Rogue stood up quickly and ran to the book. He locked Sting's door. " Didn't I handle the situation when it happened? " He asked. She nodded and looked at the door. Rogue walks back to his seat. Sting stands up. " You did. It's didn't help, though. " She said, walking backward to the door.

What she saw in his eyes was possession. He was scaring her.

He walked around from his desk and went towards her. She quickly ran and tried to open the door.

When she turned around, Sting was already in front of her. She flinches and backs up on the door. He puts his head in her neck.

~ Sting's POV ~
I put my head in her neck and breathed in her scent. Her rose and vanilla body soap. I sighed and moved to her ear.

" You still thinking about leaving the school, Caiyia? " I asked. She nodded. I sighed. " Alright, I'll let you leave. " I said. She nodded. " But remember this, I'll come and visit. Whether you want me to or not. " I say. She gulps. " And another thing, wherever you go, I'll always find you. " I said, moving my head. Rogue took the spell off.

She quickly ran out and left.

I slammed the door and sat at the table. Rogue comes and sits at the tables as well. " I thought I told you to handle it. " I said, looking down. He sighs. " I did. Sting, I threatened them and killed someone in front of them to prove a point. " Rogue says. I hummed and got up. " Call everyone in the common room. " was all I said. He nodded and left.

Once the door was closed, I walked to the window and stared at her. I smirked when she made eye contact.

She quickly walked away, I sighed and continued looking out the window.

A/n: I hope you enjoy and have a great day. Love you guys.

Yandere!Fairytail x Oc!  (Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now