X : You wish!

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"I am so sorry, Jake! JAKE!"

Jake opened his eyes.

Sunghoon lets out a big sigh of relief, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I am." Jake sat up.

"Ughh my heart!" Sunghoon rubbed his chest after his tension slowly releases.

"I did good right?" Jake asked, his eyes sparkling.

"Yes, you did. You were so good and so brave."

"It was so fun."

"Does it hurt a lot?" Sunghoon cupped Jake's face, which just bumped into the wall.

Jake looked at Sunghoon, he lets out a small smile at Sunghoon's close proximity, "It hurts a little but it was so fun."

"Are your legs okay? Your body? You fell down a lot."

"It's okay. I had fun."

"Let's get out of here. Your face is so cold." Sunghoon caressed Jake's cheek.

Jake looked up at him, "Yours is cold too." He cupped Sunghoon's face.

"I am used to it."

"Then I'll just get used to it too." Jake smiled.

"Why... why are you so positive all the time? How come you are so shiny?" Sunghoon whispered, caressing Jake's face.

"I-I am?" Jake stuttered, "I didn't know."

"You give me life. You give me hope." Sunghoon whispered, leaning closer but stops when Jake pulled himself away a little.

Sunghoon inhaled a long breathe, coming back to his senses, "L-let's go. Our time is up. Stand up!" Sunghoon pulled Jake up.

Jake silently opened his safety gears not knowing what to say or what to do. He tried to open his helmet but gets stuck not knowing how to open.

"I'll help you." Sunghoon stood infront of him, helping to open the helmet, "You should pull this and it opens. Like this."

"Thankyou." Jake smiled as Sunghoon took off the helmet for him.

"Let's go then." Sunghoon asked as Jake held his hand, pulling him back.

"Hmm?" Sunghoon asked as Jake looked up at him.

Jake moved closer and slightly tiptoes before pecking Sunghoon slightly on the lips, "I didn't mean to avoid earlier." Jake looked down.

Sunghoon exhaled a long breathe as he pulled Jake closer by the waist and cups Jake's face before leaning to capture Jake's lips on his own.

They pulled away, their cheeks burning.

"Let- Let's go." Jake walked away as Sunghoon followed, smiling like a fool.

"Baby," Sunghoon called as Jake's cheeks turns dark red, "I was curious about something."

"Hmm?" Jake smiled, raising his brows.

"Do wonie really exist?" Sunghoon asked as Jake burst into laughter.

"Umm. He does." 

"Can I meet him since I am the father?" Sunghoon asked.

"Ofcourse. Should I take you to him?" Jake asked chuckling.


"Let's sleep in some hotel for today."

"Hmmm are you trying to..." Sunghoon pulled his hand, covering himself as Jake burst into laughter.

"You wish. You pervert!!" Jake shook his head still laughing.

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