~Sun's Light~

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I smile as the sun's light touches my skin
The wind blows gently, a nice breeze
Nature's battle with the cold touch of winter is a win
With every day, gratitude I seize.

Soft clouds cover the sun and I feel a slight chill
But I know that I will feel warmth again very soon
Being able to bloom, that takes a lot of will
Also being able to rise again, like the sun and moon.

As I listen to the birds sing their beautiful songs
I realize that we all have our own melodies
Not being able to share them would be wrong
So everyone, let's make a symphony.

I watch as the day goes by like faded art
When the sun goes down and light turns to dark
And I see the gentle glow of a firefly
I go to sleep, so rest, my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2024 ⏰

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