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The front door was about to be slammed shut, but Nick was walking through it and Karl's anger didn't need to be taken out on him. Karl knew that, so instead he threw his keys on the countertop and fought to get his shoes off.

Lana wrapped herself around his ankles, his anger slipping away slowly as he watched her do so. He just stared at the cat, purring against his legs as she weaved in between them.

"Are you calming down some?" Nick asked. Karl could tell the genuineness in his tone and took a deep breath.

"Yes, I'm sorry you had to witness that." Karl spoke softly and slow. He sat down on the floor and pet Lana as she stepped into his lap, immediately getting comfortable and laying down.

"Don't be, we all get like that sometimes." Nick said, joining him on the floor. He was going to pet Lana, but realized how uncomfortable that would be considering her position.

"Really?" Karl deadpanned as his fingers worked through Lana's fur.

"Yes, really." Nick laughed, "I got so pissed with Clay that I booked a flight here. I was going to cancel it, realizing we should probably talk it out first, but then i realized how genuinely upset you were getting with Nadia and decided that it was best not to."

"I just don't understand why she acts like that. Like what have I done? Am I forgetting something I did to her?"

"I think it's her way of like joking around or self defense or whatever, but im not sure. I really don't talk to her often. I mean, more than you to say the least, but nonetheless."

"I just don't understand. Maybe I never will." Karl said with a humorless laugh following.

"You think you can stream tonight?" Nick asked. Karl nodded after giving it a moments thought.

"Yeah, I think that's fine." Karl said. Nick beamed at the answer and Karl smiled, knowing he just made his best friend happy. Karl's phone started vibrating in his pocket, waking Lana up and making her move over to Nick's lap. Karl sighed, pulling out his phone and answering the unknown number.

"This is Happy House Pizza how may I help you?" Karl said, mind automatically thinking it was either a fan calling him or a scam number trying to take his credit card information.

"What?" The girl on the other line asked. Karl rolled his eyes, knowing it was Nadia as of now. He stood up and walked to the couch.

"Oh, it's you." He sighed, sitting down in the couch and making himself comfortable.

"So this is Karl?" She asked, voice far softer than he'd ever imagined it could be.

"I mean there's many Karl's out there, you've gotta be a bit more specific than that." Karl joked. His face fell flat at the silence coming through the phone.

"Never mind." She muttered.

"No, I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. What's up?" He asked, unsure as to why he was being so nice when she made him just speed home and put his friend's life at risk.

"My goal was never to make you hate me and Im sorry. I mean, as long as this is Karl Jacobs and not happy house pizza." She said, humor lacing her voice. It was the first time he'd ever heard that before.

"I say that to all unknown numbers. In case it's a fan or a scam call." Karl giggled.

"Definitely neither." She said, her laugh seeping through his phone.

"So what has been the goal, Nadia?" Karl asked, quiet enough that Nick couldn't hear. Honestly with the amount of silence through the line, he was unsure if she even heard him speak.

"I don't know." She said quickly. "Fuck you."

The line went dead as he heard the three beeps, signaling she'd hung up on him. He rolled his eyes and exhaled deeply before a notification popped up.


I'm keeping your number so you never have to answer a call from me being a damn pizza place

are you saying you'll call me again?

why would i do that?

you insinuated it

im saying if you call me

why would i call you and introduce myself as a pizza place?

i dont read minds

so you've said
i think you want an excuse to call me again
its ok
ik im hot

youre definitely not
you dress like your poor
plus you dont know how to style your hair

and what?
nothin else to add?
thats a first

youre a dick

i have one

i hate you

but youre saving my number

im thinking about not doing that

oh she thinks?
the nadia desmond thinks?

how do you know my last name?

not crucial to what we're talking about

you like me

i hate you
how have the tables been turned
fuck you
go away
bye nadia

bye karl 
i hate you too
just so were clear

very clear
crystal even

crystal meth?

wouldn't go that far

rot in hell

you already are

true statement

glad we agree

gross why are we agreeing?

you did it

fuck yourself

nick's gonna do that for me ;)

nasty ass omg
never text me again

i think im gonna anyway

bc you like me?

bc youre annoying

bye karl

bye nadia

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