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"Why are you staring at your phone like that?" Nick asked, walking into the living room. He tried to peak at Karl's phone but he turned it off in a hurry.

"You're hiding something." Nick said with a smirk.

"I am not!" Karl said, offended at the accusation.

"So who were you texting?" He asked, a smug look on his face as he turned towards Karl.

"No one. Do you want to order pizza? I think we should order pizza? Do you think we should order pizza? Im gonna order pizza." Karl said, standing up and walking to the kitchen where his collection of takeout menu's were. They were for situations like this, ordering in with a friend. Though, I guess he doesn't normally order food as a way out of a conversation, but that works too he mused.

"Get pepperonis!" Nick yelled, forgetting the topic immediately at the mention of pizza. Karl made a mental note and started calling, ordering whatever rolled off the tongue. Wings, pizza, mozzarella sticks, just whatever he saw that he wanted. Once the order was placed and confirmed for delivery, he walked back into the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Nick.

"What all did you order?" Nick asked, noticing his presence after a few moments. "You were gone a while."

"Whatever I felt I wanted." Karl laughed, moving to lay his feet across Nick's lap.

"Cool." Nick said, resting his hands on his shins as he flipped through the channels on the tv. Karl wasn't sure when he turned it on.

"I got you pepperoni." Karl said, scrolling through his instagram feed.

"Such a god send." Nick laughed, leaning back against the couch as he settled on a channel.

"So who all is joining us for stream tonight?" Karl asked, turning off his phone and leaning his head back to rest against the arm of the couch.

"Alex, Clay, George. Im pretty sure. Just crew boys." Nick said, focusing his attention on the tv.

"What time did you wanna stream?"

"Anytime really. I figure probably a bit later since it is only three in the afternoon."

"Okay." Karl said, ending the conversation at that. His mind was running rampant now, overthinking his interaction with Nadia. He didn't know if she was being nice or if this would be used against him later. He didn't know if she was going to continue to be nice or if things were going back to normal. He didn't know if this was how she was meaning to act and it just never really dawned on him.

He was royally confused to say the least.

"Karl, foods here." Nick said, tapping Karl's leg to get his attention. He quickly got up and opened the door to grab the food from the delivery person. He said his pleasantries and closed the door after the girl walked away. He laid it out on the counter and realized the extent of what he had ordered. It was quite a bit of food. He was glad he had Nick to help him finish off any leftovers for the week.

"Come get food, Nick! I'm not your little housemaid!" Karl joked with a small laugh. Nick came put and made himself a plate before walking back to the living room, Karl in tow with his food. They decided to put on an anime and watch as they ate.

Before long, they were upstairs in a call with Alex, Clay, and George. They were playing Minecraft to Karl's knowledge, but he didn't stay long enough to hear anything else. He needed a shower. Once he returned, the plans had changed and they were playing a game of Jackbox.

"So, what are we doing?" Karl asked, sitting in his chair as he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"We're gonna play Jackbox!" Alex yelled.

"We don't have enough players for that, do we?" Karl asked, his knowledge on Jackbox being low.

"Well we do, but it's a lot more fun with more players so I invited some." Alex giggled.

"Alright. I'm gonna get my stream started up then. We'll be back." Karl announced, deafening on discord and starting to set up his stream.

"Do you know who he invited?" Nick asked, looking at Karl with a confused expression.

"No, why? I was in the shower. Last I checked I don't have supersonic hearing." Karl joked, making sure everything was running right on his obs.

"He just never said who he was inviting." Nick laughed. "Well, asking you sounds stupid in hindsight."

"Just a bit." Karl laughed.

"Hi chat! I'll be with you in a moment!" Karl yelled before muting his mic to stream. He waited for people to join before going back to the discord. They could wait.

"Just got the notification, people should be poppin' in again any moment in piles." Nick said, turning off his phone after looking. Karl sent out a tweet for more reach as did Nick.

"Jesus, look at the hype train!" Nick laughed. Karl joined him with a shocked laugh as he looked at the quickly increasing hype train and the chat going a mile a minute.

"They missed us." Karl joked.

"I know." Nick joked back.

"Hi chat!" Karl said, keeping his starting soon screen up as he spoke. He paused the music and eyed Nick to see if he was ready to start. He gave a swift nod and Karl showed them instead of the starting soon screen. "We're playing Jackbox today!"

"Yeah we are, baby!" Nick screamed. He went to ask in the discord chat if they were all ready since his stream was up, but he paused.

quackity added badboyhalo to the chat
quackity added nad1a.gam3s to the chat

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