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"No, Mama! Just stop!" Karl heard Nadia yell. He was startled awake just before his alarm started blaring. Karl groaned, shutting off his alarm. He walked out into the hallway and made his way downstairs to feed Lana.

"There's no reason to move the times again! I already booked a new flight! I already booked a flight back!" Nadia could be heard from upstairs. Karl tuned her out so he wasn't eavesdropping.

"I'm with him now, Mama!" Nadia yelled as she stomped down the stairs. She shoved her phone in Karl's face and he raised en eyebrow. She emphasized that he needed to take the phone and he rolled his eyes, grabbing it from her hands.

"Hello?" He asked, holding the phone between his head and shoulder as he finished feeding Lana.

"So you're my daughter's boyfriend?" The lady asked in a thick spanish accent. Karl would have spit out water if he was taking a drink with how shocked he was. He looked up at Nadia who was grinning evilly. At the same time, he could see her picking at the skin around her fingers again.

"Yes I am." Karl spoke hesitantly, standing up and switching to holding the phone in his hand. He pointed to the stairs as he walked around the counter. Nadia walked up the stairs in front of Karl.

"What's your name?" She asked, suspicion lacing her voice.

"My name is Karl, ma'am." He replied. Nadia paused at the top of the stairs and Karl walked around her, going into his room.

"Why have I never heard about you?' She asked, as if the pair were lying, which they were.

"We both wanted to keep it under wraps until things got more serious than it was. I think we have both hit that point, in my personal opinion, ma'am." Karl spoke, sitting on his bed and putting the phone on speaker. Nadia lingered in the doorway and he softly pat the bed next to him. She walked over to the bed hesitantly ands down next to him.

"And you will be attending the dinner?" The woman asked. Karl widened his eyes in response. That was not the deal.

"Whatever she says, agree." Nadia mouthed.

"Yes ma'am, I will be there. I've already cleared my schedule." Karl agreed, glaring at Nadia who nervously smiled at him.

"Put my mija on the phone, Karl." She said.

"Yes ma'am. It was very nice to meet you."

"Yeah yeah." She said before Nadia grabbed the phone and took it off speaker. She put the phone to her ear and started speaking Spanish very, very quickly. Karl could barely keep up with the few words he did know, let alone the chunks of conversation he couldn't translate himself. He just leaned back against the wall, staring at the ceiling. He soon felt Lana jump on the bed and crawl up to lay on his chest. She was purring as she laid down and Karl ran his fingers through her fur.

"Adios, mama, te amo." Nadia said before ending the call. She sighed and laid back against the wall. Karl turned his head, looking at the girl who seemed to be picking at her nails again.

"So?" Karl asked. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him.

"Instead of pushing the dinner she has now bumped it up. Both a win and a loss." Nadia sighed.

"So when is it?" He asked.

"Tomorrow." She sighed, closing her eyes and dragging her hands down her face. He saw a small semicolon tattooed on her wrist and he stared at the two dots intently, marking it to his memory.

"Alright, that's not bad." Karl shrugged. Lana mewled in protest, digging her nails in Karl's chest to get him to stop moving.

"So aggressive you are." Karl said quietly, accompanied by a laugh.

"Don't move and she won't claw you." Nadia shot back. Karl was starting to enjoy the quips she came back with, noticing and understanding her joking tone of voice.

"Lana's just needy." Karl giggled. Lana meowed again before going back to purring and falling asleep.

"She seems to disagree, such bad parenting." Nadia said.

"Oh yes, terrible cat dad here." Karl agreed, still laughing at the situation.

"You have not poor clothes, correct?" Nadia asked before silence could lay like snow on the ground.

"Yes Nadia, I have not poor clothes." Karl sighed, closing his eyes as his fingers worked through Lana's fur.

"Good, what are you wearing? We have to match or whatever since you said you were my boyfriend." Nadia complained.

"You were the one who handed me the phone after saying oh yea he's right here and then your mom asking me if i was your boyfriend. how else am i supposed to answer that question?"

"Whatever, what are you wearing?"

"A black turtle neck sweater, khakis or whatever those are called, nice shoes, and probably some jewelry. is that okay?" Karl teased.

"Sounds fine, I have a black dress." Nadia replied. "Alex is ginna have a field day with rhis one."

"Oh my god." Karl groaned.

"He'll never let us live it down. Unless we start to date in the future."

"That'll never fucking happen."

"I think I threw up a little, oh my god." Nadia laughed, Karl joining in. It was a good moment, the both were calm and there were no insults. But, not all good things last forever.

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