daisuga // honeymoon virgins

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Note: Originally posted on 02/14/23 for NSFW Daisuga Week day 2

Daichi and Koushi planned their entire wedding.

It was a beautiful affair with good food and even greater company.

The planning and setting up the ceremony was another story.

The officiant was stuck in traffic. Tanaka and Noya almost lost the cake. Kuroo briefly forgot which pocket the rings were in. Asahi accidentally switched the name cards on the suits and only found out when Suga facetimed him swimming in Daichi's jacket.

Asahi had never run so fast in his whole life.

He tried not to laugh as he snapped a photo of Daichi in Suga's shirt. In his defense, Suga really wanted that picture.

Once everything was back in order, there were no more issues. The wedding went perfectly, despite the day's rough start. Everyone talks about how special one's wedding night is supposed to be.

How it's supposed to be the perfect ending to the perfect day.

But nobody tells you how exhausting it is to plan a wedding and make sure that everything falls into place.

So when the Sawamuras made their way to the hotel room after their reception, they slept together.

No really. They just slept.

They figured it would make their first time more special if the other wasn't falling asleep in/around them.

They found themselves walking along the beach the next afternoon.

Getting to their destination went smoothly thanks to Kiyoko planning out their entire honeymoon to ensure that nobody disturbs them.

"Yesterday could have gone a little more smoothly, don't you think?" Daichi asks, intertwining their fingers.

"Would it really have been our wedding if we didn't have to scold our former kouhai?" Koushi laughed as he replayed yesterday's events in his head.

"I know. Maybe I just feel a little guilty that we didn't get to spend our wedding night the way we should've..." He said, blood rushing to his cheeks as he turned to look at the ocean.

"You better not be blaming yourself!" Koushi nudged his shoulder, effectively getting his husband to look at him. "I was tired too. I probably would've fallen asleep with you in–" Koushi watched the blush deepen on Daichi's face and he quickly looked away. "My point is– Don't blame yourself. We both agreed on tonight." Koushi was sure his face, neck, and ears were pinker than the sky.

"Are you nervous?" Daichi asked, squeezing Koushi's hand reassuringly. Koushi looked at his lover and saw only adoration and love in his eyes.

"A little... Everyone gets at least a little nervous before their first time. But I have no doubts. I want to share this moment with you, Dai." Daichi smiled at him and pulled him close to his chest.

"I suppose we'd better get inside then." He says, leaning down to sweep Koushi off of his feet. Koushi immediately yelped in surprise and wrapped his arms tightly around Daichi's shoulders as he carried him up to their beach house.

Giggling as Daichi peppered kisses along his face, Koushi ran his fingers through the short hair at Daichi's nape. Humming in content, Daichi set Koushi down on the patio, opting to pull him into a kiss instead.

Koushi stepped back, letting his fingers glide down Daichi's shoulders to his elbows and finally to his hands. Clasping their hands together, Koushi pulled Daichi into the house.

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