sakuatsu // calling your bluff

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Note: this thread spurred from a tweet i posted on 10/13/23 and I posted the rest of the thread on 11/15/23

Kiyoomi's winding down after a long week and he's so close to finishing, but he needs something more to get him there. He calls Atsumu and as soon as he hears 'hello?' he's moaning into the phone. He hangs up the phone and passes out.

Atsumu is immediately calling him back to ask 'what the fuck, Omi?', but Omi's not answering and now Atsumu is really turned on while Omi's sleeping without a care in the world.

The next day, Kiyoomi doesn't exactly remember what he did until Atsumu's pinning him against the shower wall in an empty locker room with dark amber eyes.

"Oh shit."

"Did ya think I'd just forget about yer call last night?" Atsumu went through the entire practice waiting to get Kiyoomi alone.

Kiyoomi was silent, unable to think of an excuse.

"Ya know, the call where ya moaned so prettily in my ear before hanging up and falling asleep?" Kiyoomi's cock twitched between them as he recalled what happened.

"I didn't mean for you to hear that–"

"But I did. I heard ya, Omi. I wanna hear it again if ya'd let me." Atsumu said, pushing his thigh in between Kiyoomi's leg. Kiyoomi's hips involuntarily kicked at the feeling and he internally groaned.

Of course he had to be attracted to someone as intolerable as Miya fucking Atsumu. He thought about ways to get out of this but deep down he was reveling in the fact that Atsumu was turned on by him too.

He could always deal with the consequences later, right?

Atsumu's hands slid from his wrist to his waist before rolling his hips forward. Kiyoomi's glare never wavered as he surged forward to kiss Atsumu.

God, his lips were soft and his tongue was hot as it slid into his mouth. Kiyoomi could taste the mint toothpaste and moaned at the thought of Atsumu brushing his teeth after practice just to do this to him.

"Fuck, Omi. I didn't think kissin' could get ya so bothered." Atsumu teased, kissing down Kiyoomi's jaw.

"Shut up– ahh– Don't leave any visible marks."

"No fun, Omi-kun. What if I want the world to see how well I treated ya?" Atsumu playfully nipped at his collarbone, but not hard enough to leave a mark.

Before Kiyoomi could respond, Atsumu's hand wrapped around his cock, slowly pumping it as he kissed the skin on his chest.

"Oh f-fuck, Miya–"

"I'm treatin' ya so well and ya won't even say my name. That hurts me, Omi. And to think, I was gonna suck ya off and swallow yer mess so ya wouldn't have to clean it up." Kiyoomi's cock twitched in Atsumu's hand at the thought.

"You're bluffing. You like hearing yourself too much." He retorts, earning a laugh from his setter.

"Yer not wrong, but ya don't understand how much I like cock in my mouth. I've been wanting yers since ya joined the team."

Has he really wanted me that long?

"Prove it." Atsumu smirked, settling on his knees in the shower, hands never leaving Kiyoomi's cock.

"Say my name and I will."

"Fuck, A-Atsumu."

Atsumu's mouth fell open and he leaned forward, licking a stripe up the base of his shaft. He wrapped his lips around the head and tongued at the precum beading at the slit before taking him further into his mouth.

"Fucking hell–" Kiyoomi cursed, letting of his hands move to Atsumu's hair. "You really do love sucking cock, huh?" Kiyoomi asked breathlessly, surprised by how raspy his voice sounded.

Atsumu hummed, wrapping his fingers around himself and matching the pace of his head bobbing. Kiyoomi tugged at the blonde hair, pulling his head back to look him in the eyes.


Water from the shower was rinsing away the drool on his chin. His eyes were half-lidded and a deep blush colored his cheeks. He hollowed his cheeks, swallowing around Kiyoomi before taking him as deep as he could without gagging.

"Atsumu– You look so fucking good like that. Mouth full of my cock and blushing like you've never sucked a dick before." Atsumu moans around his cock, squeezing his eyes shut as he takes Kiyoomi to the base, gagging around him and sending vibrations through him. "God– I'm gonna fucking come in your mouth."

Atsumu opens his eyes wide and hums with pleasure, as if he were begging for it.

"Atsumu– Fuck, I think I'm– I'm coming, Atsumu– God, you're so–" Kiyoomi let out a low groan as he came, eyes screwing shut before he heard a moan below him. He opened his eyes to see Atsumu staring back at him, eagerly swallowing as much of Kiyoomi's orgasm as he could. He looked down past his face and saw that Atsumu had cum all over his fist. Atsumu pulled back and caught his breath before rinsing his hand over the shower drain.

"Yer right, by the way."

"Hm?" Kiyoomi raised an eyebrow as Atsumu stood up, grabbing a bar of soap.

"I was bluffin' to get ya to say my name." He smirked. Kiyoomi's eyes widened and he opened his mouth.

"So you've–"

"Never sucked a dick before? Correct. But I'll say that I stand by what I said." He said, rubbing the soap bar across his chest. "I love havin' my mouth full of cock, but only if it's yers." He winked.

"You're incorrigible."

"Ya also said I'm so... what was that ya were saying? Were ya gonna say 'sexy'?" Kiyoomi rolled his eyes before taking the bar of soap.

"How about we go to my place and figure out if you can jog my memory?" Atsumu's eyes widened with his grin.

"As long as ya don't fall asleep after I make ya come the hardest ya ever have."

"No promises." Kiyoomi smirks, turning the water to cold and stepping out before he notices.

"Oh yer so fucked." Atsumu shrieked, jumping out and grabbing his towel.

"Is that a promise?"

"One I intend to make good on before the sun rises."


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