chapter one - stolen kiss

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Introduction of story:

Iwaizumi Hajime
In love with Oikawa since forever. He couldn't get rid of his feelings, so he started treating Oikawa with detachment to repress them. Failing miserably.

Oikawa Tooru
Had a crush on Iwaizumi in middle school. Since he started to treat him detachedly, he understood to be just a friend. He started dating girls in highschool. He likes them but can't fall in love.

Author's Note: Each chapter is told by Iwaizumi or Oikawa's point of view. Povs will alternate in each chapter. In chapter one we start with Iwaizumi's view of the events.

Last training of Seijoh's volleyball team

"See you at the pub!"


"Iwaizumi, where's Oikawa?"

"How would I know?"

"Go find him! You are the vice-captain, after all!"


"He's probably on the phone talking to a girl"

"Or he's despairing in a corner..."

"There you are."



"What's wrong? Haven't you cried enough for the defeat?"

"That's not it..."

"Then what is it?"



"H... hey!"

"Iwa-chan, calm down! You're so scary!"

"We're not leaving until you tell me what's going on."

"You don't want to cry in front of our kouhai, don't you?"


"I'm scared ...I'm leaving for a country I don't know...I don't know the language...I'll be all alone."

"But what troubles me most is leaving you."

"I'm gonna miss you like hell."



"I...I mean you all!!! You guys!"

"I'll miss makki and matsun... and the team..."


"Cut the lame crap, Oikawa! We have to go!"

"Hey! Don't say that about my feelings! It's not crap!"

"Yes it is, and you know that! C'mon..."

"...Let's g-"


"You know..."

"...Sometimes you can be a such an asshole..."




At the pub

"You're too drunk, Oikawa. I'm taking you home."


"I'm not drunk. I wanna stay."

"Why are you so stupid... SHITTYKAWA!"




What is he doing?

can't I...




"...Now you're quiet."

"See? I'm not that dru..."


"Let's go home."



"I need to throw up..."

"And you're telling me after what you did???"

"...What did I do?"


Meanwhile, at the pub...

"Yeah Matsukawa-san! One more drink!"

"Aren't we making our senpais drink too much?"


What did I just witness?

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