chapter three - Boundaries

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Read from left to right

Oikawa's house

"Did you that in Spanish they don't use the honorfics, but the pronoun "listed" instead?"

"...And among friends they call each other by first name..."

"Iwa-chan, are you listening to me?"

"I'm trying to focus!"

"I have to study for thr university entry test."

"Unlike you, I'm not a great athlete with a smooth way in front of me."

"But lately it's harder because I'm having troubles in concentrating..."

"Since when are you having problems in focusing?"

"Is there anyone going round in your head?"

You are the reason why I can't focus, dumbass!

I can't concentrate because I keep thinking about your stupid answer!

Do you really think that was the problem with the kiss?

By the way, why did you do that? There must be a reason!

Shit, I don't think I'll be able to concentrate until I get this seed of my head...


"Look! This is the place where I'm staying in San Juan!"

"Ain't it cool?"

Too cute

"San Juan's also known for the wine.."

"Should I join a somellier course?"





"What part of "I need to focus" don't you understand?"

"Fine... Iwa-chan, you are always so mean..."

That pouty face...


"Well, if that is the case. I'll sit in the corner to study..."

"...all by myself."

Why does he keep teasing me?

Is he trying to make me understand something?

Or am I imagining it?

I need to find out, this situation is driving me crazy...




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