7 Reasons To Hug A Tree Today

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Of everything here on our sapphire Earth,

A handful of things have uncountable worth;

Like warm summer sunsets and winter's first snow,

And spring in full bloom with its colors on show.

Yet through every season, a constant year-round,

Is one kind of wonder that's fixed to ground;

With value that's much like a cool autumn breeze,

Are thousands of types of our home planet's trees.

Because they're not even a little bit rare,

It's easy at times to forget that they're there.

But universe wide, just as far as we know,

The Earth is the only location they grow.

And while that alone shows how special they are,

They're so much more awesome; more awesome by far.

A fact that you'll find is undoubtedly true,

The more you're aware of the things that they do.

Although they can't move and live life in one spot,

They're never at rest but instead do a lot;

Commitments they start from the day that they sprout,

We mostly can't see but we can't do without.

And so my intention today is to share,

The things trees can do to ensure you're aware;

And pull on your heart with enough of a tug,

So next time you see one you'll give it a hug.


Like splashing around down the length of a pool,

The cover trees give keep environments cool.

By shielding the sunlight, the shade they provide,

Keeps temperatures pleasant outdoors and inside.

So even on days when the Sun's really hot,

Beneath a tree's shadow you'll find that it's not;

Allowing your day to go just as you plan

With barely a need for A/C or a fan.


To help stop the air that we breathe getting stale,

Our trees make good use of the waste we exhale.

They'll take the nutrition required to thrive,

And pump out the gas that we need to survive.

And more than just making our oxygen new,

They filter pollution to freshen it too;

Ensuring not only an ample supply,

But quality views of a crystal-clear sky.


Consider as well, next you stand at a sink,

The role that trees play in the water we drink;

The water we bathe in to get ourselves clean,

And grow all our plants keeping everything green.

They pump out the moisture that helps bring the rain,

Supplying the water our rivers contain;

And then with their roots, draw the rest underground,

To get it all set for another go 'round.


For even more proof of how trees bring us wealth,

Just think of the ways they can impact our health;

From upping our focus and lowering stress,

To boosting our moods so we're cranky much less.

It's even been noticed in many-a-town,

As greenspace goes up, counts of sickness go down;

Suggesting that trees play a really big role,

In overall wellness of body and soul.


Another great service trees give us for free,

Is less about function and more what we see;

They liven the landscape wherever they grow,

With bright-colored leaves and their blossoms on show.

In all shapes and sizes and all shades of green,

In reds and in purples and pigments between;

The beautiful backdrops they build by just being,

Set every space up as a sight that's worth seeing.


Enjoy a peach cobbler or fresh apple pie?

Well trees are to thank for the steady supply.

Or rather some chocolate with almonds instead?

It's trees yet again that are keeping you fed.

Had poured from a carton or out of a jar,

Or picked from their branches and had as they are;

The options on offer are more than ideal,

As snacks on their own or as part of a meal


The next things trees give us that make our lives good,

Are all the great products we get from their wood;

Like big grand pianos and handmade front doors,

The frames for our photos and nice-looking floors.

And best part of all is with trees as their base,

The resources used aren't too hard to replace;

As long as we're wise, when we use what we do,

To plant a few saplings and grow them anew.

The facts all presented I now rest my case,

For thanking a tree with your warmest embrace.

My hope is I've shown you how all that they do,

Makes life much more pleasant and comfortable too.

I know it's uncommon and folks may ask 'Why?',

But don't for a second feel bashful or shy;

Just stretch out your arms wrap securely and snug,

And give the next tree that you see a big hug.


7 Reasons To Hug A Tree TodayWhere stories live. Discover now