Chapter 4

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A/N: It's currently 10:25 but I will try to write a chapter for you but it may be short, I will write a longer one tomorrow.

Ben's POV:

We finally arrived at England. After we left the departing gate, we saw a cheerful face smiling at us! It was Catherine Hale, Erica's mom. We ran up to her and she said, ' Hello children, did you have a good flight?' Erica replied seriously, 'Mom, we are not children and can you come with me to the convenience store? I am ... hungry...' 'What's wrong with Erica, she's never hungry...' I mumbled quietly to myself.

Erica's POV:

I had to tell my mom that I saw a drone with the SPYDER sign tracking on us! So, I quickly made up an excuse and pulled my mom away.

Catherine's POV:

'Honey, what's bothering you, is it about Ben?'I asked excitedly. She replied me with a cold voice, ' No, relationships are liabilities. I wanted to talk to you about the drone I saw near the plane, I think SPYDER is tracking on us.' After I heard what she said, I replied, ' Ok, I will talk to Cyrus about this.' After that, we walked back to the other's.

Mike's POV:

I saw Erica and Catherine walking towards us, I shouted, 'Erica did you brought back some food? I am starving !'

Erica's POV:

How should I reply Mike? I thought for a second and replied, ' Ehh.. I couldn't find anything that I liked to eat.'

Catherine's POV:

'Come on children, no more chitchat! We have to catch a cab and go to Central Wash, where the coordinates leads us to!

Ben's POV:

'A laundromat? That's a weird place for SPYDER's base... 'I wondered on the cab. A few minutes later, we arrived we got out of the cab and paid the driver, then we discovered that the laundromat was abandoned! Zoe peered inside and then suddenly, the glass broke and a dark figure inside grabbed Zoe.

Mike's POV:

I saw Zoe peering inside and suddenly the glass broke and a dark figure inside grabbed her! i was devastated, and let out a yelp of fright.

Erica's POV:

I saw Zoe being grabbed, my eyes flickered with worry. Then I quickly split up our team. ' Ben and Mom come with me, we will search the perimeter of the shop. Grandpa and Mike please go into the shop and search for clues, if anything happens, use this walkie talkie and contact us.

Cyrus's POV:

Me and Mike went into the shop, we saw nothing but a dark room and a few broken washing machines and dryers, so we contacted the other team and told them there was nothing.

Ben's POV:

After Erica split the team, I immediately started looking around the building, taking out my tape measure, I measures 15 metres and I talked through the walkie talkie and asked Mike, ' Can you measure the inside of the shop?'

Mike's POV:

I obeyed but wanted to ask for what, but it's best not to ask as Ben has his own ways. After I measured, I talked through the walkie talkie and said,'It's 10 metres.'

Ben's POV:

Mike answered me, 'It's 10 metres.' My eyes widen with shock and an idea popped in my head. Suddenly, Erica appeared next to me, ' I recognised that look anywhere, what did you figure out?' I replied, ' I am not sure yet but... there may be secret room in the shop, I measured 15 metres outside but Mike measured 10 metres inside...'

A/N: It's now 11:04, and I know I said this going to be a short chapter, but this is actually longer then yesterday's, also the drone part is probably not true in real life I am going to sleep after I publish this. Have a good morning/afternoon/night.

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