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I groaned when I heard someone knocking on my door

"GO AWAY!" I yelled then dropped my head back onto the pillow

Then my phone started going off and I sighed in frustration and answered it

"Hello?" I asked trying to sound nice

"Hey Bri, we've been knocking on your door for a couple of hours now..."

and I heard Zak in the background "Aaron we don't have time to explain to her"

CRAP! I slept in I thought

"I'll be ready in 5 minutes" I said and disconnected the call.

I jumped out of bed and while doing that I almost fell because I got light-headed and the sheet was wrapped around my foot

"Now's not the time to be clumsy Bri" I said to myself

I rushed to the bathroom to change but while changing I got naseated

That's not good I thought

I bent over the toliet and threw some stomach acid up, since I haven't had anything to eat yet. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a ponytail, and packed my suitcase. When I was done I rushed down to the lobby and I was greeted by a slightly glaring Zak

"Well if it isn't Ms. Sleeping Beauty" Aaron said smiling

"Sorry, I thought I turned my alarm on, on my phone...Let's get going"


We made it to our plane with about a minute and a half left

That was freaking close I thought as I sat in my seat

And Billy sat next to me. I took out my phone and text Zak

-R u mad at me?-

-No, u had a rough day yesterday so it's not ur fault that u wanted 2 sleep in-Z

-I was just checking, u seemed kind of mad when I came down-

-I wasn't mad at u, Aaron was being a clutz...he tripped and his coffee spilled all over my shirt, so I had 2 unpack some things, repack & finally go the the restroom 2 change-Z

-Oh...Ur not burnt r u?-

-No, but if I was I'm sure u would've heard me from ur room-Z

Then the intercom came on

"Attention all passengers...Please buckle your seatbelts, turn off your phones..."

I then tuned it out and shut off my phone and closed my eyes while sighing

"Are you feeling ok?"

I turned my head to look at Billy

"Yeah why?" I said half lying

I felt better because I knew Zak wasn't mad at me, but I wasn't feeling to good

"Are you sure, you look like you're alittle flushed..." he then pressed a button

"What are you doing?"

he just smiled and patted my leg

"Can I help you?" the middle aged flight attendant asked

"Could she get a peanut butter jelly with a bottled water..." he looked at me again and then back at the lady "And maybe a throw up bag?"

"Sure" she then left

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