Nightmare x Reader

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"Nightmare!~" I called out in a singsong tone of voice, skipping into his office with a smile. He glared at me sharply with his blue eyelight and I smiled in response,

"Hi boss!"

"Y/n, what do you want"

He didn't sound particularly angry or annoyed, just very tired. His shoulders slumped in his chair and he had dark rings under his eye sockets.

I pulled the box I was holding behind my back and set it on the desk. It was a little gift I had made for Nightmare. It had taken me a couple weeks to make it, but the way his eye widened in surprise and the slight blush dusting his face made it worth it.

It was a scrapbook full of photos of all the gang members. The photos had been taken by Killer and Dust who were quite the photographers. There was one of Cross and Nightmare having a fight, one of Horror and me making cookies, one of me, Killer and Dust posing in the kitchen and even one of the gang in their pyjamas. (Minus nightmare cause hes himself)

Aside from the pictures, there were notes in the pages. Some were from the others in the gang, wishing him a good day or just general encouragement. Other's were from me, ranging from 'I love you' and 'I'm so proud of you!' to more flirty lines.

I grinned as Nightmare picked up the book and started flipping through the pages. He read the notes with a soft smile and chuckled at some of the photos. I stood up on my tip-toes and pressed a kiss to his cheekbone, which promptly turned blue.

I giggled and went to leave, but was stopped by his tentacle wrapping around my wrist.

I looked at him in confusion as he cleared his non-existent throat and gestured to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down, tilting my head.

Nightmare sighed and pushed his chair back. He stood up and walked over to my chair, turning it so I was facing him.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he interrupted me with a kiss. I froze, eye sockets widening in surprise. Nightmare had never kissed me before. He had never shown any interest in that sort of thing, even though I had flirted with him multiple times.

He pulled back and smirked at me.

I grinned, feeling my face heat up. I reached forward and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer.

Nightmare seemed to get the memo, leaning forward again and kissing me again. This time I reciprocated, closing my eye sockets.

When he pulled back, I couldn't stop myself from smiling widely.

We sat there in comfortable silence for a while. Then Nightmare spoke,

" You really are one lucky person, normally if someone tried flirting with me they'd end up six feet under" He chuckled quietly, his face a bright blue.

"Oh really?" I said with a cheeky grin, "And how would you kill me, hmm?"

He smirked, "I'd tie you up and force feed you my tentacles until you suffocate"

"Ooh, kinky~" I giggled and winked at him, earning a light shove.

"Shut u p, your acting worse than killer " he rolled his eyelight and stood up. I laughed,

"Aww, am I too hot to handle, huh boss?~" I teased.


"Wait really? I was just kidding!"

"Well ... kinda "

My face was probabl y- No definitely bright red.

"Oh, okay then, I'll just go, then"

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