Chapter 2

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Erin's POV
*me and Kevin talked for a bit in the van and then we saw movement on the security camera that we had access to from the inside*
Erin:is that our guy?
Kevin:looks like it
*I got out my device and I radios everyone*
Erin:heads up Duran is on the move
Hank:where's he going ? *sarge radio's back*
Kevin:he's on the way out *radios*
*the team does there thing and then it was just me and Kevin again*
Kevin:do you have any names picked out?
Erin:we got a few but there's one that we fell in love with for a girl and we have are 90% sure we have one picked out for a boy but we are still looking
Kevin:what do you think it is ?
Erin:honestly after talking with some of my friends that are after having kids they are making it seem like a boy but I don't know
Kevin:you got that gut feeling that it's a girl?
Erin:yeah kinda
Kevin:this kid is going to be so lucky to have you and jay as there parents
Erin:aww Kevin ! *smiles*
Kevin:I'm being so serious
Erin:well thank you ! And your going to make a great dad one day !
Kevin:I appreciate that *smiles*
*we watch out of the cameras and we see everything that the unit is doing and it's quite interesting from this perspective and then we see Hank slap on a pair of cuffs on the guy so we knew the party was over we got out of the van and headed over to everyone*
Jay:hey ! *kisses me*
Erin:hey ! *kisses him back*
Jay:did you enjoy that side of it ?
Erin:yeah ! It's quite interesting watching everything go down but it was also kinda weird
Kim:you'll be back out here soon enough
Erin:it couldn't come any slower !
Hank:Erin I told you that you could come and help us with the desk part
Erin:I know but I feel like that would make me wanna go back out there even more
Hank:well that option is always there !
Erin:I know *smiles*
*we all got Back in our cars and we drove Back to the district and when we got back I headed inside and Trudy stopped me*
Trudy:did you like being Back out there?
Erin:it was alright but I wish I was Back out in action
Trudy:so being survalince doesn't have enough action for you ?
Trudy:well imagine doing what I do I never leave the desk
Erin:I guess ! *smiles* I gotta get going so I'll see you later
Trudy:yeah ! Take care of yourself Erin
Erin:you to Trudy !
*i headed back up to the bullpen and I put the vest away and I grabbed my keys and I said goodbye to everyone and I got in my car and headed back to the house*
At the house
*when I got home it was now 2:30 so I decided to do a deep clean of the house cause if was mess there was stuff everywhere and when I finished with that the clock it 4:30 so I started making some chicken stir fry for supper for me and jay when he got home*
Jays POV
*I just finished work and I decided to go out and get Erin some goodies cause I know her pregnancy has been pretty rough so far and she really misses being able to go out in the field so I thought maybe this would make her feel a bit better so I headed to the local store in the area and bought everything I needed and I got Back out to the truck and I put everything together and then drove home and it was now 5:30*
Erin's POV
*it was almost 6pm and I heard the door open and in came jay with a goodie basket in his arm*
Erin:what's this ?
Jay:it's a basket of some of your favourite things
Erin:aww jay !
Jay:I figured I'd get you some things to make you feel better
Erin:how did I get so lucky !
Jay:I don't know *smiles*
Erin:come eat ! I made some chicken stir fry
Jay:that's exactly what I need right now !
*we sat down at the table and we ate our food together and talked about all the things that's going to be happening within the next few months ! Like becoming parents ! And all the exciting things that comes with that it's honestly so exciting! After supper jay decided to take a shower and I got changed into my pyjamas and we watched some Netflix together and just enjoyed our night off ! Around 10 pm jay had drifted to sleep and I posted our little evening on instagram*

Erin's POV*me and Kevin talked for a bit in the van and then we saw movement on the security camera that we had access to from the inside*Erin:is that our guy?Kevin:looks like it *I got out my device and I radios everyone*Erin:heads up Duran is on...

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Caption:well I think it's safe to say that I have the best husband in the entire world ! Jay knew that I've been having a hard pregnancy and that I was missing being out in the action with all my friends so he came home today with a gift basket full of things for a spa day so I can relax and have something to look forward to while being home and on top of that he agreed to have a movie date with me in bed with popcorn ! Literally all of my favourite things !! @Jay.Halstead I love you so so much ❤️❤️
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@Gabby.Dawson:oh my gosh ! How sweet is that ! ❤️
^he knows how to make me happy that's for sure !^
@Adam.ruzek:Happy wife happy life 
@Natalie.manning:aww so sweet ! I hope your pregnancy gets better as the days go on Erin ❤️
^these 5months have been brutal ! But it will all be worth it at the end 💕^
@Bri.Mills:I'm so glad you had such a amazing night Erin !💗 but pregnancy is a hard thing but is so worth it at the end !!
^4 months can't come any slower !!!^
*I rolled over and saw jay fast asleep so I plugged in my phone and turned off the light and cuddled up next to him and went right to sleep*

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