Chapter 4

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Erin's POV
*well today I am 8months pregnant and it's the day of my baby shower ! And I'm so excited!! Kim has been planning this for like 3 months now and I couldn't thank her enough ! I woke up at 8:40 am and got a shower before getting ready since the shower was at Kim's house at 11am*

*I put this dress on with a pair of white heels and I curled my hair and did some makeup before heading downstairs at 9:45am and jay had breakfast cooked and left in the stove as he had to go to work so I ate that and then I got a text from him*On...

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*I put this dress on with a pair of white heels and I curled my hair and did some makeup before heading downstairs at 9:45am and jay had breakfast cooked and left in the stove as he had to go to work so I ate that and then I got a text from him*
On the message
Hubby😘:good morning ! I hope you have a fun day at your baby shower . I left some breakfast in the stove for you ❤️
Erin:yeah I see the breakfast here now ❤️
Hubby😘:I love you
Erin:I love you to
Back to reality
*around 10:10 am I got in my car and I drove to Kim's place to help her set up some things*
At Kim's house
*I got to Kim's house around 10:30 so I knocked on the door and she opened it*
Kim:Erin !! You look stunning *smiles*
Erin:so do you *smiles*
Kim:come in come in
*I followed her into the main area of her and Adams home and the set up was beautiful!*
Erin:Kim ! *smiles* this is absolutely beautiful
Kim:thanks ! I really hope that you love it
Erin:I do ! It's amazing !
Kim:it took a lot of work but it was all for a great women and her baby
Erin:aw Kim ! If you ever have a child I'm planning yours !
Kim:deal ! *smiles*
Erin:now how can I help ?
Kim:oh uh you can put the food out on the table ?
Erin:sounds good !
*I helped Kim out out the food and then people started arriving ! First to come in was gabby and Shay*
Gabby:hey guys !
Kim:hey ! We are all in the kitchen
Shay:holy smokes! Erin your huge
Erin:I know ! 8months
Gabby:that's crazy ! And you look beautiful
Shay:yeah absolutely stunning
Erin:aww ! Thank you girls *smiles*
Gabby:where do I leave the gifts
Kim:on the island
Gabby:alright !
*then Bri and her daughter Jenna walked in*
Erin:oh my goodness!! Hi *hugs Bri*
Bri:look at you !! Your huge ! But so beautiful
Erin:thank you !
Bri:Jenna this is Erin you've met a dozen times
Jenna:yeah I remember
Erin:look at you Jenna ! All grown up and looking so beautiful
Jenna:thank you !
Kim:she looks just like you Bri
Bri:I know ! *smiles* it's kinda crazy
*the next one to walk in was Stella*
Erin:Stella !! I'm so glad you could make it
Stella:how could I miss it ! This is your freaking baby shower *smiles*
Erin:I guess !
Stella:but look at you ! Your glowing Erin
Erin:aw thanks !
*and then Natalie walked in*
Nat:I'm here !
Erin:natalie !! I thought you had to work !
Natalie:I got will to cover my shift cause I could not miss this !
Erin:what a nice husband he is
Natalie:right ! *laughs*
Erin:where's McKayla Kim ?
Kim:oh she's in her room I'll go get her
*Kim headed upstairs and brought down McKayla*
McKayla:auntie Erin !! *runs up to her and hugs her*
Erin:hey McKayla ! *smiles* you look so beautiful
McKayla:so do you !
Kim:McKayla ! This is Jenna , Jenna this is McKayla maybe you guys could keep each other company
Jenna:sure !
*Mckayla went and sat next to Jenna and it looked like they were getting along*
Stella:I can't believe that your already 8 months !
Gabby:right !
Natalie:it seems like yesterday that you told me you were pregnant
Erin:honestly it went by so quickly but I still got a month and a half left !
Kim:that's nothing sure ! That will be gone before you know it !
Erin:yeah that's honestly the scary part
Shay:scary ? Are you worried about giving birth ?
Erin:yeah actually I'm stressing
Bri:girl ! Don't stress over it just ask for a epidural and it should help you for the most part
Erin:that's my plan !
Kim:who are you having in the delivery room ?
Erin:honestly probably jay and Hank
Stella:what about your mom ?
Erin:she doesn't even know I'm pregnant and I honestly would like it to stay that way ! She's all over the place so it's probably for the Better
Kim:yeah !
Gabby:how about we get this party started !
Erin:Hell yeah !
*we played the party games that Kim had planned and the house filled with laughter we had so much fun ! And then we ate the delicious food and just talked*
Stella:so Jenna ! How old are you know ?
Stella:15! Oh my gosh !
Bri:scary right !
Shay:i remember 15 all to well
Gabby:you probably had 5 different girlfriends every month
Shay:actually sounds about right
Kim:gosh Shay ! You are a player weren't you
Shay:well yeah you only live once
Erin:and Jenna and McKayla that is exactly what you don't want to do
Bri:yeah ! Don't do that
Jenna:yeah I'm not planning on doing that
McKayla:me either
Natalie:McKayla if you ever brought a boy over I think Adam would hurt him
Kim:oh yeah he wouldn't be very happy
Erin:that's the same for this baby and jay !
Gabby:there protected for life !
Stella:got that right !
*after we ate i opened the gifts and we ended the day off with some cake and we had a fabulous day ! Honestly the best day ever ! Once everyone left I helped Kim clean up and then I got back in my car around 4pm and drove home and I saw jay on the couch asleep so I headed to my room and got changed into some comfy clothes and posted the day on instagram*

 I left some breakfast in the stove for you ❤️Erin:yeah I see the breakfast here now ❤️ Hubby😘:I love you Erin:I love you toBack to reality *around 10:10 am I got in my car and I drove to Kim's place to help her set up some things*At Kim's house ...

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Caption:well today was the day I've been waiting for ! It was my baby shower and it was the best day ever !! I wanna send a huge thank you to @Kim.burgess for taking the time to plan this shower ! And host it at her and Adams Beautiful home ! It was really appreciated! And I also wanna thank @Gabby.Dawson @Leslie.Shay @Bri.mills @Jenna.mills @Stella.kidd @Natalie.manning and sweet McKayla for being the best guests and making my day extra special! Now the next big thing will be the birth of this baby !! Only 1month and a half left ! ❤️ @Jay.Halstead
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@Kim.burgess:it was my pleasure to plan and host this special day !❤️ thank you for trusting me with this !
^you really outdid yourself !! The set up was beautiful and I think everyone enjoyed themselves!^
@Bri.mills:thanks for inviting me and Jenna ! We both had a great day with great people !! Can't wait to meet this little bean ❤️
^thank you and Jenna for coming !! And for bringing some delicious donuts !!😊^
@Stella.Kidd:it was a amazing day ! I had so much fun showering the mama to be and the cute little bean ! I'm so glad I was able to make it !💕
^thanks for coming !! I'm so glad you were able to come to ! It really was a great day !❤️^
@Gabby.Dawson:it was a great way to spend a day off !! I had so much fun with everyone !
^thanks for coming gabby !! It was a really special day for sure !! ❤️❤️^
@Leslie.Shay:I'm so glad that this lined up on my day off cause it was the most fun I had in a while !! Thanks for the invite !
^thanks for coming !! It was so much fun ! And I'm glad everybody could make it ❤️^
@Natalie.manning:I had so much fun today ! Kim did a fantastic job with everything!! I'm so glad that @Will.Halstead could cover my shift so I could come to this amazing celebration!
^thanks for coming !! And special thanks to the best brother in law for covering your shift so you could come !!❤️^
@jay.Halstead:looks like you had a great day !❤️
^oh your finally awake !!^
@will.Halstead:looks like a great day ! I'm so glad I was able to cover for Nat so she could make it !
^yes !!! Thank you thank you thank you !❤️^

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