Chapter 10

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Erin's POV
*life with a 1 year old is definitely not easy . Lately Nathan has been very fussy and clingy to myself and jay and throughout the night he wakes up in tears and with jay working full time and me still being on maternity leave for the next few weeks I've been the one getting up with Nathan throughout the night so jay can get the rest that he needs to get through his shift . And tonight is one of those nights I'm in Nathan's nursery with a clingy,fussy Nathan in my arms at 2:20 in the morning*
Erin:Nathan baby we need to go to sleep *rocks him in the rocking chair*
*i've tried everything to try and get him to go to sleep and nothing is working so it looks like I'm going to be in for a long night ! I watched as the clock changed by the min and before I knew it the clock read 5:30 and that's when I heard movement in my bedroom which means that the team caught a case and within minutes jay was standing in the nursery door frame*
Jay:what are you doing up ?
Erin:he won't fall asleep and he's being very clingy and fussy
Jay:it's one of those nights ?
Erin:unfortunately yes *rubs her eyes*
Jay:you should have come and woke me up I could have sat with him for a bit while you got some rest
Erin:I didn't wanna wake up cause I didn't want you to be tired at work
Jay:I don't care if I'm tired at work you can come wake me up whenever
Erin:I know I know
Jay:*looks at the clock* i Gotta get going I need to meet the team at the bridge but I'll see you later ok
Erin:yeah . Be safe and I love you
Jay:love you to ! *smiles*
*jay goes downstairs and I hear the door close and the truck start up so know I'm officially on my own with a wide awake 1 year old*
2 hours later
*its now 7:30 and Nathan had finally fallen asleep so I laid him in his crib and I headed out to my room and I laid down in the bed and I fell right asleep to try and get some rest before he woke up again*
2 hours later
*once I woke up I checked the time and it read 9:30 so I did fall asleep for 2 hours but now it's time to get out of bed and get my day started so I took a nice warm shower and got dressed for the day*

 Be safe and I love you Jay:love you to ! *smiles**jay goes downstairs and I hear the door close and the truck start up so know I'm officially on my own with a wide awake 1 year old*2 hours later *its now 7:30 and Nathan had finally fallen asleep ...

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*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair into a messy bun and I looked into Nathan's room on my way downstairs and he was sound asleep which is a good thing cause he needs the rest . Once I got downstairs I headed into the kitchen and I made myself a cup of coffee and I watch a show on TV and enjoyed my quiet time before Nathan woke up*
An hour later
*it was now 10:30 and I could hear Nathan upstairs yelling mama so I paused my show and headed upstairs to his room and saw him standing up in his crib*
Erin:good morning handsome *smiles*
*a big smile appears on his face as I pick him up out of his crib and I put him on the floor where he begins to play with his toy cars and I pick out a outfit for him to wear and once he was done playing I got him changed and he looked so cute so we headed downstairs and I took a pic of him to post on insta*

 Once I got downstairs I headed into the kitchen and I made myself a cup of coffee and I watch a show on TV and enjoyed my quiet time before Nathan woke up*An hour later *it was now 10:30 and I could hear Nathan upstairs yelling mama so I paused m...

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Caption:my heart 🥹🫶🏻 @Jay.Halstead
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*after I posted it Nathan made his way over to his train station so I went and made him some breakfast*
Erin:Nathan do you want pancakes ?
Nathan:yes pwease
Erin:okay buddy
*I made him some pancakes and I plated it up with some fruit on the side and I laid it on the table and I pulled out his high chair*
Erin:come on Nathan it's time to eat !
*he runs over*
Erin:alright 1..2..3 *I lift him up and put him in his seat*
*he eats his pancakes and some of his fruit *
Nathan:down pwease mama
Erin:are you all done ?
*I get him out of seat and he runs over to his toys again and I clean up the mess he made before going over to the living room to resume my show and watch him play*
A few hours later
*it was now 4:30 and jay should be home in an hour so I decided to get started on supper when Nathan got up from his nap he wanted to lye on the coco and watch the cars movie so I turned that on for him while I did some things around the house but now he is moved on to watching paw patrol so I took my chance to make some supper which is going to be chicken wings and fries*
A few hours later
*I was finishing up supper when I heard the front door and all of a sudden Nathan went running to the door telling DADA so that means jay is home ! Jay walked into the kitchen with Nathan in his arms*
Jay:hey !
Erin:hey ! How was work ?
Jay:the usual you know catching criminals getting shot at ya know
Erin:don't need to rub it in *I say with a smirk*
Jay:you'll be back soon
Erin:1 more week !
Jay:yeah that's a good thing isn't it ?
Erin:yes ! I can't wait to get back and out of my house I'm slowly loosing my mind !
Jay:oh I know *laughs*
Erin:anyways I hope your hungry cause supper is pretty well done
Jay:I'm starving!
*we all sat down and ate as a happy family and spent the night just hanging out*

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