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The sound of the school bell ringing had indicated that it was time for their next lesson. Sohee started to pack his things. Grabbing the empty plastic packet as he searches for a trash bin to throw it into.

"Sohee how dare you leave without me!" Seunghan fumes as he frowns at him.
"I was just throwing away my trash? I wasn't going to leave you behind." He answers as he looks behind Seunghan to see that their other friends had already left.
"Where's the rest?" He questions him as Seunghan glanced back before looking at Sohee.
"Oh I told the guys that we were going to class first before them." His friend replied before wrapping a hand around Sohee's shoulders as he walks them out of the cafeteria.

"How's your first day of school going?" Seunghan asks him. The two of them deciding to talk about how their day went as they walked to their next class.
"It's been going fine I guess. The lessons are surprisingly not that hard... though I'm just a bit weary of our next lesson." He answers as Seunghan looked at him peculiarly.
"Are you a bit reluctant of our English class?" His friend questions as Sohee nods his head a yes.
"English isn't one of my strong suite."
"Me neither, but we can get through it! When we're done with this school year, our English would be as good as Anton's, maybe even better!" Seunghan exclaims as it manages to make Sohee laugh.
"Aren't you being a bit too optimistic Seunghan?" Sohee says whilst shaking his head.
"Being optimistic is better then being negative though. Oh look, we've already reached our classroom." He says as the two boys stopped walking.

They didn't realise that they had already arrived. The walk from the cafeteria and to the second floor seemed so short.

They then went inside the classroom, seeing that only half of the class had arrived.

"Where do you want to sit Sohee?" Seunghan asks as the lad looked around the classroom for any empty seats.
"I don't really mind where we sit. As long as it's not at the very back." He answers.
Seunghan had a determined look on as he searched for the perfect place to sit.

"Hmm, then how about we sit in the middle. Let's sit near the window." His friend suggested as Sohee followed behind him. He lets Seunghan lead him to the seats that he wanted them to sit in for the next school year.
As he follows Seunghan, they pass by a row that was occupied by a group of girls.
"Here's the seats. We're occupying this place now." Seunghan stated as he dropped his bag down on the table.

The sound of his bag making a loud thud as it startled two girls that were sitting in front of them.
The two girls looking back in distraught as Sohee tried to hide the second hand embarrassment that he just got.

"Oh I'm so sorry for scaring you both. I swear there isn't a lot of things in my bag, I don't know why it made that loud thud noise." His friend apologises before staring at Sohee awkwardly.
"What the hell are you looking at me for?" Sohee mouthed out.

"Oh no worries, you didn't need to apologise for that." One of the girls replied as she smiles at them softly before facing her back against them. Her other friend looked away from them, she was about to turn her back against them as well but as she did so, she had accidentally made eye contact with Sohee. The two of them staring at each other for a few seconds before the eye contact was broken off by her.

Sohee didn't know why but the girl felt so familiar somehow, even though he had never met nor interacted with her before?

"Why do you have that look on your face." Seunghan asks as he ushered Sohee to sit down. The boy had been standing for too long, was he seriously practicing to become a member of the royal guard by standing for so long or what?
"What look on my face?" Sohee questions back in confusion before finally sitting down and placing his backpack under the table.
"The look that looks like you've just discovered something. What's going on in that silly head of yours."
"Hmm nothing. I just got a weird feeling that I've known the girl who's sitting in front of me somehow." He answers in a low voice. Not wanting the two girls in front of them to hear their conversation.
"Maybe she's your soulmate." Seunghan teases as Sohee looks at him appalled before slapping his shoulders. The loud noise making the two girls look behind at them again.

"Sorry, my friend is abusing me right now." Seunghan apologises for the second time before sending Sohee a death glare.
"You started it! Don't say stuff like that." Sohee defended himself before crossing his hands above his chest.
"But what if she is?? You still haven't found your soulmate right. Maybe these days you'll finally see a symbol appear on your arms. See like mines." His friend spoke before pushing down his sleeves to show him the tattoo that appeared on his left arm.

"Why the fuck is your soulmate thinking about a cat??" He asks perplexed when he sees a symbol of a cat illustrated on Seunghan's arms.
"I don't know. I feel really excited right now. Maybe she's watching cute cat videos." The lad shrugged as he assumes what the symbol meant.
"It's a black cat. Maybe you'd get bad luck today." Sohee pesters as it manages to scare his friend.
"Don't say that Sohee!!"

⋆ ࣪. ˖ ࣪⭑

"ouchh." Ari hisses as she kept rubbing her forearm. Her arms had been hurting for the last minute since English class started.

Her continuous grunts had manage to alarm Yujin as her friend looks at her in concern.
"What's wrong Ari? You've been rubbing your arms for the last ten minutes. I'm starting to get worried." Yujin asks as Ari looks over at her with pain present in her eyes.
"My arms freaking hurts. It feels like it's burning, and I feel stressed as well somehow, and I'm not even stressed over the work!?" She replies in hysteric.
All Yujin could do was just raise an eyebrow up in worry.

She had a thought in her head as she took a hold of Ari's arms and pushed down her sleeves.
The two girls being able to see a fresh tattoo present on Ari's arms. They stared at it before looking at each other in dismay.

"Why the hell is there a tattoo in my arms?" Ari questions in bizarre. There was a symbol of a book on her arms which only puzzled her out even more. Was her soulmate stressed over a book? Huh??
"Maybe your soulmate is in this room with us Ari. You usually start getting a tattoo on your arms when your soulmate is near you." Yujin tells her as Ari started looking around the room.

There's no way that her soulmate was in the same room as her. She didn't even interact with anyone when she entered the classroom. Well, besides Yujin. But her friend couldn't possibly be her soulmate because she's been dozing off and had been falling in and out of sleep. So obviously she knew that she wasn't stressed at the moment.

"Why did it have to appear at a time like this. Now I can't concentrate on my work." She sighs before facing the front.
"Well at least now you know that your soulmate is alive. I still haven't found my one yet." Yujin stated as she frowns whilst staring at her bare forearms.

Ari could hear the guy behind her talk. She had found out that his name was Sohee when everyone was introducing themselves during the start of class.

"Seunghan I'm going to go to the restroom for a while. I want to wash my face, this book is boring me out to death." He spoke before shutting his book closed.
"Hmm don't take long. The teacher might come back in any moment." His friend replies.
"It's not like I'm going to fall asleep as I'm making my way to the restroom." Was the last thing Sohee said before leaving the classroom.

Ari stares at her arms. Looking at the tattoo of a book before it gradually disappeared. The feeling of stress and anxiety had also somehow vanished as she felt completely normal again.


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