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"Operation find out if Ari is your soulmate; start!" Seunghan exclaims quietly as Sohee could only look at him in anxiety.
"This is not an operation!" He replied back in irritation. The two guys then entering the classroom and heading over to their designated seats.
Seunghan and Sohee being able to see Ari and her friend Yujin already sat down in front of their row.

His friend pats him in the back as he smiles at him. Indicting that he had his whole support.

"Seunghan you're being ridiculous!" Sohee whispers.
"Come on ask her. You want to know if she's your soulmate or not right?" Seunghan replies as Sohee could just let out a defeated sigh.
"The guys were right. I should've not listened to you." Was the last thing he said before putting his bag down on his table before going over to Ari's table.

"Hey Ari." The sudden greeting was able to make Ari flinch in her seat as she looks back at him with a shocked look on her face. She was wondering why on earth would he ever talk to her.

"You know me?" She asks a bit flustered.
Yujin and Seunghan just staring as the two of them conversed.

"Yeah, I remembered your name when we were introducing ourselves yesterday." He answers before smiling at her.

Ari just staring at Sohee as she admired how cute his smile was. His smile somehow reminded her of a cute little baby duckling.
She must have been staring at him for too long as Sohee tilts his head to the side as he waits for a response from her.

"He looks so cute right now.." Ari says to herself before shaking her head to bring her back to reality.
"O-oh. Why'd you decide to talk to me... it's kind of sudden since it's our first time interacting." She says.

Sohee suddenly feeling a burn in his hands as he clenched his hands into a fist to bear the pain.

"I wanted to ask you for help. With my homework because I don't quite understand the work. I mean I do but not to a deeper level. You seemed to finish your work early yesterday so I thought that you might be able to help me." He tells her as she could just blink her eyes in disbelief.
"Sure, what do you need help with Sohee? You could come sit next to me and I could help explain it to you." She replied as Sohee nods his head before going back to his seat to get his notebook.

"So?" Seunghan asks once he was back.
"My hands hurts!" The lad wails as Seunghan pulls on the sleeves of Sohee's school uniform to reveal a tattoo of.... a duckling?
Seunghan had to cover his mouth to hold onto a laugh.

"I knew that I wasn't the only one who thinks that you look like a duckling." He cackled as Sohee sent him a glare.
"We don't know if she was thinking of that." He retorted. Not liking the fact that Seunghan was laughing at his tattoo. He's been getting weird ones on his arm ever since him and his soulmate bonded (if you can even say that), and he didn't like the fact that his friends were laughing at his tattoo.
"Try to think of something that you think might appear on her arms." Seunghan tells him as he pats his shoulders.

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"Sohee your answers are correct but you just need to focus on your grammar. Your grammar makes your answers seems incorrect. So instead of...." The words that Ari was saying were starting to dissolve as he stopped listening to what she was saying. The lad staring at her as he studies her facial feature.

"She kind of resembles a cat."He thought to himself. His dozing off was quickly disrupted when she starts wincing in pain.
"For this you're supposed to write- ouch fuck." Ari curses as she stops talking to rub her arms.

Sohee looks over at the arm that she was rubbing. Seeing as a tattoo of a cat had appeared on her left arm. His eyes immediately widening.

"Are you ok?" He asks in concern, though his eyes were still fixated on her illustrated arms.
"Yeah... it's just a new tattoo that suddenly came up on my arms." She tells him as she kept rubbing her arms to soothe the pain away.

"Umm do you know who your soulmate is by any chance?" Sohee asks all of a sudden. Ari responded by shaking her head a no.
"I suddenly got my first tattoo yesterday during English class. But I don't know from who. Why'd you ask?" She replies as he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Did you perhaps uh... thought that I looked like a baby duckling when we were talking earlier?" He asks as he could see Ari's whole face turn red as she stares at him in utter dismay.
She was far too ashamed to say anything so he took that as a yes before rolling down his sleeves to show her the tattoo of a baby duckling that was present on his arms. This time she got really embarrassed as she covers her face with her hands.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you like that. I was just asking because I saw that cat tattoo on your arms and I was thinking about how you kind of resemble one before it appeared." He rambled. Sohee not knowing what to do. He didn't mean to just straight up call her out her like that but what other choice did he have?

"So you're saying that we're soulmates?" She asks. Her voice muffled as she still had her face hidden. Far too shy to look him in the eyes.
"Yes. Now could you please stop covering your face, I want to greet you properly." He says, talking to her with a gentle voice as he waits for her.

She reluctantly took her hands off her face as she faces him. Her face showing all kind of nervous as she looks at him with weary eyes, her lips tugged downwards.

"Hi Ari, it's nice to finally be able to meet my soulmate. Let's try to understand each other and always be happy." He addresses before flashing her an excited smile.

"He's so cute.."

Ari didn't know why but her heart started beating uncontrollably whenever he smiles at her. Heart thumping so loudly that she was scared if he might be able to hear it. Or if she was going to experience a heart attack.

"The same goes to you." She replies, her voice quiet as she couldn't handle Sohee's charms anymore.



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