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Chapter Two1067 Words

Tommyinnit's Point of View

"So, you gonna introduce yourself?" A tall brunette questioned as he sat down. "Wilbur, be nice!" The blonde reprimanded loudly, causing me to flinch slightly. "Since none of these extro-fucking-verts will introduce themselves, I guess I, the introvert, will do so. I'm Technoblade, but refer to me as such and I might murder you. I go by Techno." The pinke- Techno, introduced. "Oh, please. You don't wanna be here any more than I do!" Wilbur(I think?) shouted, making me flinch again. "Y'know, if ya don't wanna be here, you could get off your ass and leave, right?" Techno shot back, its monotone voice raising ever so slightly, shutting the brunette up quickly.

"Hiya, mate. Sorry about them, they are.. Something." The blonde chuckled, glancing back and forth between the two. "It's fine, it was my fault anyways." I responded tiredly. The blonde cleared his throat after the momentarily long, awkward silence. "Anyways, I'm Philza, but feel free to call me Phil." Philz- Phil, said. "I'm, like, 90% certain you guys already know my name. Have you not read the file?" I questioned timidly. "Oh, no, no! I don't read the files without permission." The blonde exclaimed enthusiastically. "You, uhm, do realise that the files have the triggers and disorders listed.. Right?" I asked, shifting in my seat.

"I- uh- .." Phil stammered, quickly glaring at a laughing Techno and Wilbur. "W-what uh, what page discripts those?" Phil asked, looking back over to me. "For most, it's only half of page 6, mine are pages 6 - 7." I responded nonchalantly. "Why so many?" Wilbur groaned. "Why so whiny?" I shot back, quickly regretting doing so, seeing as the silence was louder than Martin's booming voice. "S-sorry- I- I don't know why- I-" I stuttered, but stopped as I heard Phil and Techno burst out laughing. "Bastard." Wilbur mumbled, earning an elbow to the rib from a still-dying Techno.

Third Person Point of View

All means of a conversation were cut off by a door opening roughly, causing Tommy to jump in his seat. "Love, it's time to leave so they can make a decision, come on now." Martin demands, the faux sweetness faltering slightly. Tommy doesn't notice the concerned glances sent his way as he shifts uncomfortably in the hard plastic chair. Tommy mumbles something, leaning away from Martin's hand as he walks out the door. "Sorry, Watson's! Marilyn will be here soon to discuss your options with you, have a lovely day." Martin informs, following after Tommy.

"Hm, Toms, come here." Martin cooed, his hand reaching out for Tommy.

"No, Martin." Tommy declares, glaring daggers at him.

"Love, get. Over. Here." Martin demands, smiling when Tommy reluctantly makes his way over. "Be good, alrighty?" Martin smiles faux-ly, snaking a hand around Tommy's waist and pulling him closer. "G-get the fuck off of me." Tommy tries to unlatch himself from his social worker's grasp, but fails. Tommy's eyes widen as a rough kiss is planted onto his lips, for around the second time in two days. "I said, Get. The. Ever-loving. Fuck. OFF!" Tommy shouts, kicking the elder in the crotch, causing him to fall over with a loud thud. The open door and rushed footsteps go unnoticed by Tommy, as he forces himself to hold back the built up tears that are preparing to come pouring down like a waterfall. Tommy bends down, "Next time I tell you to get your hands off of me, Get your fucking hands off of me, you creep." Tommy commands, turning around, only to be met by two concerned and confused glances, and one disgusted glance.

"Hello! Is something wrong?" Tommy asked, subtly wiping his eyes. "Uhm.. Tommy. You alright?" Wilbur questioned, his expression flickering between confusion, concern, and annoyance. "I-I'm fine." Tommy stutters. "We're fostering you, is that okey?" Phil asks softly, changing the subject. "I- y-yes." Tommy manages, trying to hide his confusion. "Okey! Techno and Wilbur can help you pack," Phil suggests, but Tommy knows it's more of an instruction. "Mhm, follow me." Tommy mumbles, walking ahead and up the stairs.

"So... You gonna tell us what that was about, or?" Wilbur asks obnoxiously. "Wilbur, drop. It." Technoblade demands, its voice stern but no trace of anger. Why does it care if Wilbur asks questions? It shouldn't care. Tommy wonders, walking into his room and grabbing his bag. "Just, uh.. Grab the books from the bookshelf, please." Tommy requests hesitantly. "Whatever.." Wilbur grumbles, trotting over to the bookshelf and collecting books.

Tommy walks over to the wardrobe and grabs his bag. "Could you please open the wardrobe while I situate my bag?" Tommy questions. "Okey." Techno responds, its monotone voice cracking ever-so slightly. As Tommy opens his bag, he can hear a disgruntled noise of confusion. "What's with the ski-" "Nope. We're not talking about that." Tommy interrupts, quickly grabbing the folded clothing and placing it gently in his bag.

"Talk about what?"

"Nothing. Did you g-get the books?"

"Uhm, yeah. Here."


"Now, talk about what?"

"Nothing, Wilbur."

"Obviously something!" Wilbur shouts, ignoring the way Tommy flinches. "I-it's nothing, really," Tommy mutters, standing up and slowly reaching his hand out for the rest of the books. "Oh, yeah? If it's nothing then I guess you won't mind me asking your social worker what happened earlier, since that's clearly nothing either." Wilbur snarks. "William! What the fuck?!" Techno shouts, anger blinding its vision, causing it to be oblivious to the way Tommy flinches harshly at the volume. Tommy looks up at Wilbur, tears collecting in his eyes. Wilburs face drops, regret and concern washing away all past anger. "P-please- Please, d-don't." Tommy begs, showing a rare sense of vulnerability that he never shows to anything nor anyone.

"I- I won't."

"Wilbur." Techno states sternly.

"I know, I know.." Wilbur mutters, turning back to Tommy. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't've tried to manipulate you like that." Wilbur smiled apologetically, his eyes fixated on the younger's lips, seeing as they were slightly bruised. (PLATONIC YA FREAKS.) "If, uh, you don't mind me asking, what happened to your lips?" Wilbur questioned timidly, scared to startle the boy anymore then he's already done. Techno's eyes widened as it turned to look at Tommy, but its face soon returned to its regular emotionless state, a lingering glint of disgust in its eyes. 

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