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Chapter Four1043 Words

Third Person Point of View

Tommy sighed, making his way over to the wardrobe, bag draped over his shoulder. He opened the bag and took out his clothes. Oh, gosh. What if one of them sees the skirts? I know for a fact that they'll kill me, or worse, send me back. (If they haven't already done so by the time they see them..) Tommy thought, his anxiety spiking.

Tommy put the folded skirts at the bottom of the wardrobe, and hid them under the hanging shirts and neatly folded trousers.

As Tommy unloaded the books, he noticed a miniature, yellow pencil bag. Tears welled in his eyes as he slowly pulled it out. Fuck. Not right now, I haven't even unpacked the bandages yet. Tommy's breathing picked up and his vision gradually became blurry. Shit. I can't. I can't! But..- No. I can find- shit, I can't sing. I don't even know these people, they could hate singing for all I know. I'll just go lightly, just enough to make it stop. Tommy thought, quietly unzipping the pencil case and taking out the sharpener blade.

Right as Tommy pulled down his jeans, he began to slowly drag the blade along his previously scarred thighs. Tommy started counting, just to make sure he didn't lose control like before.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


Switch legs.


$witch legs.


$w!tch legs..


$w!+ch legs...


$w!+(h legs....


$w!+(h |egs.....


$w!+(h |3-




Tommy flinched, snapping out of his haze and accidentally digging the blade deeper into his skin. Fuck! Ouch, that hurt. Tommy winced, quickly grabbing the bandages from his bag and messily wrapping his thighs.

"Y-yes?" Tommy called out, his voice wavering, yet soft. "Dad asked me to talk to you about something." Technoblade's monotone voice informed through the door, the volume causing Tommy to wince slightly.

Fuck. What if Phil asked it to do something to me? Tommy thought, his hands beginning to shake. "Come i-in," Tommy muttered, voice just loud enough to be heard. The door opened, and in walked the tall pinkette.

"You alright? You seem pale." Techno states, immediately picking up on how Tommy appeared.

"I'm fine. W-what, uh.. What did y-you need to talk a-about?" Tommy stuttered, feeling uncomfortable as Techno looked him up and down, observing his body language.

"Dad wanted me to ask about your triggers and disorders, I guess," It responded, though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"O-oh. T-they're not i-important." The blonde stammered, slightly taken aback when a glint of sympathy flashed through Technoblade's face, though it left as quickly as it came, leaving him to question if it was even there to begin with.

'Of course it matters, it's clear you're uncomfortable with some things, and da- we don't want you to be uncomfortable with us." It reassured, fighting the urge to just call in Phil; seeing as it is horrible with emotions.

"R-right.." Tommy mutters, not knowing where to begin.

"What, uh, are you not comfortable with? Or, like, triggers you?" Techno questioned, breaking the awkward silence, only to replace it with an awkward topic.

"Touching my waist or below, pinning/holding my wrists and touching my jaw.." Tommy mumbled, hoping Techno didn't hear it.

It did.

Technoblade got the hint. It had noted that whenever Tommy mumbled, it was because he was afraid to ignore them so he answers as quiet and jumbly as possible to avoid them hearing exactly what was said.

It decided to act as if he hadn't heard it, but would inform Wilbur, Phil, and Emily of it later on.

"Heh?" Technoblade grunts, putting up a confused facade.

"I- Uh- Unwanted or unwarned touch.." Tommy responded quietly, yet noticeably. "Alright. Any, um, anything else?" It pushed, secretly hoping to know more to avoid making the younger feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Tommy took a breath, thinking about whether or not he should mention the next one.

"P-please don't, um, drink around me.. Or- Uhm.." Tommy starts, feeling tears well up in his eyes at the memory. "Please don't use pet names.." Tommy whispered, once again, avoiding eye contact.

That'll be hard for Wil, but I'll make sure he doesn't use any. He clearly has a hard time just thinking about the idea of pet names. Technoblade thought, making a mental note to make sure Wilbur doesn't use a single pet name.

"Alrighty. D-dis, uh, Disorders?" Technoblade questioned, awkwardly shifting its weight onto his left foot.

"Anxiety. Social Anxiety. Separation Anxiety. ADHD. PTSD." Tommy mumbled, certain that Techno wasn't able to hear any of them.

Yet, it was. Clearly, in fact. It was nearly terrifying, how well the older could hear, but it was useful.

"All I heard was ADHD, is that right?" Techno lied, thankfully, considering how scared Tommy seemed at the mention of it just knowing about the ADHD.

Tommy looked up, his face showing his distress, before flickering and settling back into his forced-relaxation. "Mhm," Tommy acknowledged, nodding slightly.

"So, let me get this right. No pet names, no drinking near you, and don't touch you without permission?" Techno questioned, though it was more rhetorical than a genuine question.

Tommy hesitated. "Yes, s-" He cut himself off, stopping him from saying 'sir.' Techno looked Tommy up and down once again, before stopping itself when he saw the young blonde scoot back slightly, clearly displaying how uncomfortable he truly was. "Sorry." Technoblade apologised, surprised when it earned a look of confusion from the younger. "Why? It's my fault-" Tommy started, abruptly cutting himself off when he saw the look of sympathy overtake Techno's face again. Why is it pretending to be so sympathetic? It doesn't need to hide its pity.

Tommy thought, shaking his head slightly. "Let me know if you need anything," The pinkette offered, turning around. "Okey." Tommy responded, knowing full well he would not be doing that.

The door closed harshly, the sudden slam causing Tommy to flinch. A muffled 'sorry' could be heard from across the hall, followed by boots beating on the stairs.

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