🤍Chapter 2🤍

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Michikatsus POV

During mathematics douma has done nothing but talk, which is weird since when we did a review quiz , she passed with an A. Than the bell Rang, so off to passing period, which I need very much since I had biology next, I HATED biology last year... I deep in thought, when suddenly some one hugged me from behind, probably douma. She's like...REALLY clingy and we just met, she moved her hands to my hips which made me SUPER uncomfortable, but that wave of worry and uncomfort washed away as soon as I recognized muzan voice. "What's next?" She said laying her head on my shoulder "uhm...biology.." I said pulling out the schedule "why did you look so angry?"  Her eyebrows furrowed "I don't trust douma..." she she snuggled into mh neck. Maybe this year won't be so bad after all?

🤍story word count: 145🤍

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