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I wish for your death
I hope you die, die soon
I want you to die in my arms
I want to kill you
I want you to die on my terms
So that no one else can have you
Your soul will be mine
Your body, heart and mind
All mine.

I will stab you
Stabbing is so much more poetic
I don't want you to die pathetically
In this bed, like you are doing
Coughing and retching
Twisting and writhing
Wailing and sobbing
This is no death
This is not how you should die

You should die prettily
With flowers in your hair
And your blood on my hands
I'll sacrifice myself for you
I'll sink the knife in
I'll consummate your life with mine
And we will be truly married

I'll take you out to the garden
To see the blossoms since
They're so beautiful
This time of year
I'll look at you one last time
Before I drive the blade home
And you'll gasp and cry
And sink in a heap
But it'll be alright
Because you'll be in my arms

I wish for your quick death

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