✷ 🎀 𝓔𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓭𝓮 𝟐 - 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝟑🎀 ✷

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The couple were quickly instructed to pack up their things and head their separate ways without a moment to spare. Minah could only give Wonik a brief goodbye before the staff had come to collect her from the room.

They gave her some guidance towards the front lobby and just told her that there would be a green car waiting for her outside.

Minah was anxiously playing around with the hem of her dress while carrying her luggage. As she approached the front doors of the hotel, she could clearly see a sports car parked right outside the entrance with a man leaning against the passenger seat door.

The first thing that came to her mind was that this was definitely a man, and not a boy. At least physically.

Minah instantly noticed how big he was, with his muscles filling out his black polo and white pants nicely. She was also slightly jealous at how good he looked with his tanned skin compared to her pasty white self.

This guy could literally crush my head with his bare hands, Mina thought when she got a glimpse of his literally bulging muscles.

Get it together girl, stop staring at his biceps.

Get it together girl, stop staring at his biceps

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"Oh, good morning," the male immediately greeted her when he saw her walk through the doors.

"Let me take that," he said, quickly taking her bag and putting it in the back.

"Thank you," she couldn't help but go back to her shy mode as he opened the door for her and helped her get on the car.

Minah was really unsure on how to act around the new contestant. The guys from the island were all very handsome, but this new person had a fierce look to him.

He looked incredibly intimidating.

Hot but scary... He looks like he could be a thug, Minah's nose twitched at her own thoughts. 

Minah looked straight ahead as the guy got onto the driver's seat.

"May I know your name?" He slightly leaned forward to try to get a better look at the female.

"Ah- my name is Seo Minah."

"Mmm," the male smiled slightly, "nice to meet you, I'm Lee Jinseok."

Minah's cheeks started to redden the longer she felt his eyes on her.

"Do you know what's going on?" she asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Oh, well, we're going back to Inferno right? Have you been there already?" Jinseok asked, thinking that Minah was just completely new to the show.

"Me? Oh yes, I got to Inferno yesterday, what about you?" she finally turned to face him, her curiosity winning over her shyness.

"Yesterday? But I didn't see you back at the island," Jinseok's eyebrows shot up in confusion.

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