Chapter 14

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I am currently sitting in a meeting with our guest.

I am being forced to pay close attention because during these kinds of things, Mother usually likes to have me and Emris answer some of their questions or concerns. She does this to prepare us and also to show our guests that we can help too. I'm pretty sure she just likes to brag about us being almost as qualified as her to answer their needs. I'm also pretty sure that she likes them all to know that she could raise us right. After our father died there was some negative talk about her parenting, people believing that she couldn't rule and be a mother. While we're not very close I would never call her a bad mother, just... not there.

I look at Emris's still empty seat on the other side of Mother. I wonder where she could be.

I look over the people attending this meeting. There are only two I haven't met personally yet but I know the others. Mrs. Loughty is sitting on my right and next to her is Mr. Solace. Mr. Solace is Aideen's father, her Mother must not have felt like attending, this meeting was optional. Next to Mr. Solace is Mr. Otps. He is one of the kings I have not personally met but I do know much about him. He is known for his manipulating ways and for his dirty rise to the thrown.

Next to him is Mr. Lavine with Mrs. Lavine on his right. The Lavines are very lovely people. They have three children, Alora being their oldest. Alora has a younger sister named Sarnai who is thirteen and a brother named Bentino. I honestly have no idea why one of them has an Italian name but it fits his personality perfectly. He has to be the stupidest/funny person I've ever met. Mr. Castling sits next to the Lavins and next to him sits Mr. and Mrs. Fowler.

I have also never met the Fowlers but unlike Mr. Opts I don't have very much information on them. It seems they've never done anything bad enough to cause any real drama or attention to be drawn to them but no one –no less a king– is perfect. Next to Mrs. Fowler is Emris's chair, which is still very much empty.

Mother is going to be so mad

"Azia what do you think?" Speak of the devil

"About the upcoming events or tomorrow's tour?"

"About the tour. Do you think we should stop at the winery?"

"Yes, we were quiet toren because most of the children are not at a legal drinking age and we wanted your perspective on this small compilation." Mrs. Lavine joins

"I think we should include the trip to the winery. The children do not have to sample the wine, the tour is meant to inform, and the winery has a fun history. Plus I think most of the adults would enjoy the visit."

Mr. Solcae nods and leans on the table "That sounds good. There is a tour guide like last year, yes?"

"Yes, Mr. Solace." Mother answers

"Then I see no problem. It'll do them good to hear about this stuff. Like your daughter said, they do not have to taste the wine."

"If I may?" a voice pipes up beside me

"Of course, go ahead Mrs. Loughty."

"While I do not have any young children I still can't help but wonder what they would do during the tour. I personally would not expect a young child to sit through two to three hours of information."

"Can't some of the older children watch the younger ones?" I look to Mother after a moment of silence passes over "Or we can get a caretaker, whichever works. But I, myself wouldn't mind watching the kids and I'm sure Emris wouldn't either." I smile "It's not like I live here and have been on this tour around fifteen times." a low chuckle passes around the room

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