Part 3

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I jump up from my bed in a cold sweat after having the most horrendous dream imaginable..... I shutter at the thought of my dream and i feel my face warm up in embarrassment, I look at my clock and it says 3:23 am, I grown and get up to you the bathroom.

When i reach the bathroom i glance down the hall and see Zero charging....

Y/N: *Mumbling* "Ok then I guess he's truly is real...."


As I walk into the bathroom I think of what happened before iI fell asleep, and immediately start feel my face heat up as I start freaking out. 'Oh my god I fell asleep with this thing.... TWICE!!! Oh my god oh my god it hates me it hates me it-' I get interrupted my the something starting to hug me from the back.

Zero: "Are you ok? Why are you standing at the bathroom door blushing and shaking at this hour?"

Wow, thanks for being subtle. I immediately start thinking 'Why is it awake!? why is it hugging me?? why haven't I used the bathroom?? he's right WHY AM I STANDING IN FROM OF THE DOOR BLUSHING AND SHAKING AT 3 AM????'

Y/N: "I-I'm using the bathroom..."

Zero: "Then why are you standing in front of it?"

Y/N: "I-I u-uhhhh" *I feel my face get hotter*

Zero: "Were you thinking about me...?"

WOW ZERO! 2 for 2 on the subtly, give this thing a reward! And maybe extra points for stalking me when i'm using the bathroom at night? I get out of his arms and go in the bathroom and lock the door surprising him a bit. I do my business and open the an-

Y/N: "AHH!!"

He was still standing at the door waiting for me . I feel my face heat up again.

Zero: "Are you ok? Why'd you jump?"
Y/N: "I-I thought you left!!"
Zero: " I did not leave."
Y/N: "W-Why??"
Zero: "I thought I should take you back to your room."

He put his paw? Hand? Whatever, he puts it out for me to grab and I hesitatly grab it and he leads me back to my room and get in my bed and i notice him... staring at me... my face get hotter- if that's even possible..

Y/N: "U-Uh... d-do you want to... s-sleep with me"
Zero: "Yes."

I take a long pause to think about 'b-but that's w-weird... p-people w-will think i'm weird.... b-but then... he probably won't want to be around me... th-then i'll be all alone... I know i wanted to b-but.... th-then it'll make me feel worse...'

Y/N: "F-fine...."

His tail start wagging as he climbs into my bed try to control his excitement as I see a... blush? appear on its visor thing.. 'this thing has emotions...?'

Zero: "May I.... cuddle with you...?"

Well now I know why he's blushing, and he made me blush more...

Y/N: "I-I guess....?"

'Why did I say that!? WHY DID I SAY THAT!? IM SO-' I'm cut off from my own thoughts as he pulls me in for a hug- I've never cuddled anyone before so I awkwardly sit the as he pulls my face into his chest.

Zero: "Are you going to cuddle me back...?"

My face heats up again as a quietly hug him back as I instinctively hide my face in his... soft fur.... a-and....

Zero: "Wow that was fast.... he must've been very tired..."

Zero: "Sweet dreams cutie...."

'Excuse me wh-ZZZZZzzZzzzZZZZZ'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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