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Y/N didn't feel like getting up that morning, but since he was going to see his friends today as well — which, if he was being honest, was the only reason why he was going to school and tried in exams — he willed himself to get up, get dressed, and meet up with Cheong-san outside their apartments so they could walk to school with On-jo. However, something Y/N noticed was that he seemed tired. His hair seemed messier than normal, and he kept yawning and rubbing his eyes like he was tired.

"Cheong-san..." he started awkwardly, staring at the taller boy, "are you...uh...okay? You seem...tired."

"I'm fine," was all his friend said.

"O...kay then..." Y/N fixed his shoes, standing on one leg as he fixed the other, then alternating. "If you're sure..."

The two boys went up to On-jo's apartment, Cheong-san ringing the doorbell.

"It's Cheong-san and Y/N," Y/N heard On-jo say on the other side of the door. It was muffled, but if he strained his ears enough, he could hear her.

"Always on time," he heard her dad say.

"Bye, Dad!" He heard footsteps quickly approaching the door.

"Hey, have another bite, okay? Hey, kid! Are you okay?" The last few words were more audible now that On-jo had opened the door.

"Rock, paper, scissors," On-jo chanted as the three hid their hands from one another.

"One, two, shoot!" the three of them said as they held out their hands, only to reveal that their hands all displayed a clenched fist to signify 'rock.'

"One, two, shoot!" Scissors.

"One, two, shoot!" Rock again.

"One, two, shoot!"

Finally, there were different results — On-jo had chosen paper, while Cheong-san and Y/N had chosen scissors.

"Yeah!" both boys shouted as they swung each other high fives. Their hands slapped together, and they wrapped their fingers around them in victory as they cheered. They let go to verse each other when Cheong-san peered over Y/N's shoulder and deadpanned. "Y/N and I are seriously going to kill you now."

Y/N turned around to see that On-jo had already gone for the elevators and rolled his eyes. She was already a good few steps ahead, and she broke into a run as she glanced back at them. Y/N immediately began to run after her, Cheong-san following close behind.

"Hey, On-jo! Nam On-jo!" Y/N called as he and Cheong-san dashed around the corner for the elevators, only to see that On-jo had now stepped into the elevator, and the doors were closing. Cheong-san darted forward to press the button, but the doors had already closed.

"That is so not fair..." Y/N mumbled to himself as he turned around, turned the corner, and sprinted for the stairs, Cheong-san following closely behind.

By the time On-jo had stepped out of the elevator and looked up from her phone, the two boys were standing there, kneeling over and catching their breath.

"Play fair, you punk," Cheong-san got out between breaths. "God, I'm spent," he added almost to himself as On-jo exited the building.

𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄; 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝Where stories live. Discover now