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"Come, this way, this way!" Su-hyeok led the other two toward a window, only for a zombie to appear and claw at it as if trying to grab for them. All three of them gave a jump, and Y/N grabbed both of their hands, dragging them over to another location, where they saw the gardener fending off some blood-covered students while on a ladder.

"Stay away. Stay away, son of a bitch!"

The ladder was starting to wobble, and soon it collapsed, sending the gardener tumbling onto the ground.

"Holy shit," Y/N mumbled to himself, watching the carnage in front of him. It was so gruesome, and yet...he couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight. As the gardener stabbed one of the zombies, another one tackled him, his screams of agony cutting the air like a knife as the zombies feasted on him.

His eyes landed on the slanted ladder, and he immediately tapped Su-hyeok and Nam-ra on their arms.

"What?" Su-hyeok inquired.

Y/N pointed at the ladder. "I think I found our ticket out of here."

- - - - - - - -


"Who the fuck is that?"

The hand that had slid it open.

"Bare-su! It's Bare-su! Help him up!"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

We managed to get Su-hyeok inside the classroom safely, all while telling him, "Get in here. Hurry, man. Are you okay?"

"Who else is with you?" I asked. "Is Y/N okay? Is he safe?"

"Y/N!" Su-hyeok leaned out the window with his hands out. "Hurry!"

"Nam-ra, you go up first!" Y/N called to her.

"What? No!" Nam-ra shook her head furiously.

"Just go, damn it!" Y/N turned around and kicked a zombie, who had been running for them, in the face. "I'll cover for you! Tell me when you get up to safety" — he turned around and punched another one, wincing when he saw he punched with his injured hand — "I'll be right behind you!"

"Yah, Y/N, are you crazy?" I called down to him. "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

He looked up at me. "No I'm not, Cheong-san, don't worry about me!" He nodded to Nam-ra, who was just staring at him, awestruck. "Nam-ra, just go!" He looked back at the zombies, waving his arms, yelling, "Come at me, you brainless bozos!"

Nam-ra nodded and started climbing up the ladder, all the while I was praying, 'Please, Y/N, don't die, don't die, don't die...'

We helped Nam-ra into the classroom, and she turned around to yell, "Y/N, please, get up here before you get bitten!"

Y/N looked up to the window and nodded, then started running to the ladder and climbing it, turning his head to call to the zombies, "Well, you undead fuckers, it's been fun, but you see, I've got to — what the fuck?" he yelled as the ladder began to sway. "Um, guys?" he called worriedly as I watched him grip the ladder tighter. "We've got a problem!"


Y/N squeezed his eyes shut and jumped just as the ladder came crashing down, Su-hyeok grabbing his hands and pulling him up into the room. They both collapsed on the ground, and Y/N raised himself onto his elbows to call out the window, "Y/N - 1, you - 0, you morons!" before flopping onto the ground again.

Wu-jin closed the window as Su-hyeok picked himself and Y/N up. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I-I'm fine." Y/N looked toward the window again. "Um...guys? Where's Seo-Hyun?"

𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄; 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐮𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝Where stories live. Discover now