Chapter 1: Meeting Dad

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It was a normal day for the avengers just kicking bad guys asses and putting them in jail Thor was just coming back from Asgard with his brother But never made his presence known Wanda is in the living room when she started feeling weird. She felt like- she felt like she was whole all of a sudden Without a second thought she walked outside and was met with Loki standing in front of her with Thor next to him about to knock Wanda looked confused but let them in Friday let Stark know that Thor and his brother are here Wanda says
Of course Ms Maximoff
Friday replied and Wanda sits on the couch Just as she sits Tony comes in and hugs Thor it's kind of weird seeing them like that they were all mushy but then again it's Tony we're talking about Wanda continues to stare at Loki with amusement Fear and curiosity in her eyes Loki notices and sits next to her but not too close He leans closer to her you feel that too
don't you he asks and she nods her head Yes Why? she asks tilting her head it's supposed to be a myth but whenever a missing family member is near You feel them and you have like this magnetic pull towards them Loki explains Family member Wanda asks yes it appears you are my daughter Loki says Thor then walks over
What do you and the mortal speak of brother? Thor asks Do you remember Sophia? Loki asks and Thor nods Well we had a daughter And the family bond? It's also true Loki explains I'm not buying that for one second Tony says take a- what do you humans call it? A genetic swab no that's not it... AH YES A DNA test you will see Loki says and Tony nods a bit confused They walk into Bruces lab and he looks up What's going on? Bruce asks Give Wanda and Loki a DNA test Tony says bluntly uh why You can tell they are related They look just alike Bruce says looking down back at his paperwork I was telling him that Wanda is my daughter but he doesn't want to believe it so here we are Loki says and Tony nods
Bruce just sighs and grabs two needles and preps everything just as he finishes Steve walks into the room Hey guys, what's going on?Steve asks DNA test Bruce replies bluntly who are we testing? Steve asks Wanda and Loki
Tony pipes up why?
You can tell they're related They're practically twins Steve says and Loki being overdramatic those his hands up that's what I've been saying for the past five minutes he Exclaims and Steve chuckles which one to find cute and blushes
Loki notices this and smirks
You have something for the super soldier?Loki asks in her mind dad get out of my head Wanda asks and Loki tenses and Wanda notices it You okay? she asked in his head you called Loki says and Wanda nods I did I mean you are my father Wanda rambles in his head it's fine sweetheart I just haven't been called that before Loki says and Wanda nods Loki smirks Now, back to my question
do you love him?
Loki asks telepathy I think so Wanda shrugs you think so or you know so? Loki asks I do love him Wanda says and Loki smiles
I approve then He says with a smile
The monitors start beeping sensing that the results are done Well here are the results Steve says Ladies and Gentlemen the moment we've all been waiting for Steve says in a deep voice that makes Wanda laugh Tony snatches the papers from Steve Loki you are...The father Tony says disbelievingly
Wanda and Loki laugh at Tony's face I told you that 10 minutes ago Stark Loki says and high-fives Wanda and Wanda smiles and Steve blushes Bruce notices this and smirks.

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