Chapter 4: Kidnapped (pt2)

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Steve's POV
I am getting worred now It's been too hours since I last saw Wanda
and it's making me more and more agitated and pissed off I pace around the common room with all the Avengers there Tony, Loki, Bruce, and Thor are scarching for her I am trying my best not to let the tean that are thereatening to come but fall down my face I took over at Tony Anything nothing and he shakes his head Nothing he says and i say did you check the camera's in front of the compound?
That's where she went missing
I say as he shakes his head and checks them
All of a sudden OH MY GOD!"
Tony shouts What?
| ask racing over his shoulder to see his tablet There I see Wanda getting something injected into her neck and a bag thrown over her head This makes me even more pissed I look around the camera
I see a white truck and a license plate Classic I push Tony out of the way and I zoom in on the numbers and grab a random sheet of paper and a pen writing the numbers down I then leave the footage tapping my foot anxiously I run the license plate through the
S.H.I.E.L.D database and find a match in seconds Just as I try to pull up the owner's information the computer screen changes I pull the video up on the TV so all of the Avengers could see it Wanda is tied in a chair bruised bleeding and all cut up The camera turns around to a man Lets play a game! Shall we?The voice says and I growl slightly Hello Avengers As you can see
I have Wanda Maximoff here he says pointing the camera back at her hold on a sec he says and I get an Instagram notification saying that we are live Tony he just broadcasted the conversation I say I can't do anything about it Tony says and I sigh I look back over to the video where is she? l ask Your plaything is fine the voice says and
I growl I was sort of experimented on back in the red room They and Hydra were giving people powers
I was in a similar situation to Wanda They injected me with wolf DNA hints you know growling I clench my fist very hard that I start to smell blood Where is she? I ask again You give me what I want you get what you want It's a Win-win the voice says And what is it you what? I ask "$100,000,000 by sundown he says and Tony laughs 100,000,000? How broke do you think I am?Tony asks slyly It's like he almost forgot that my freaking girlfriend was currently kidnapped by the person I clear my throat impatiently Okay Fine Tony says and I let out a breath of relief
I sigh I know you're not actually considering this? Natasha asks and Tony nods why not if it brings Wanda back then yes Tony says
I don't care what I have to do I am getting her back Loki says and I nod As will I I mutter to myself So where are we meeting? Tony asks and
I cross my arms over my chest into the game are we?They ask and I glare at them When is a door not a door?The voice asks What?
I say when is a door not a door?
the voice repeats When it's ajar
I say and they nod I don't understand why he wants to know that but I don't question everyone has it but can't lose it what am I?
the voice asks A shadow I reply immediately final riddle and you get the location What gets bigger the more you take away the voice says a hole I say meet me at 3235 N plaza before sundown Wanda will be there If you don't come I will put several bullets in her head for all of New York to see The voice says and leaves the live video I growl and run to my room to put my suit on I stand for a few moments before losing control I shift into beta form then roar as loud as I can I hear footsteps coming upstairs so I hurry and shift back as I slip my suit on with ease The suit slips on and off pretty easily I hear a knock on my door and I open it with an eyebrow raised I thought I heard a roar come from up here Tony says yeah when I was changing I was watching Teen Wolf I say lying He nods and smiles at me we'll get her back he says and I nod I walk downstairs and outside then hop into my black Audi Winew the Calers besides Loki  who is in the passenger seal are behind me A flew moments later
I get to the address and I get out As
I walk around I see two people there Wanda is tied to a chair while the other figure is in front of hersiting down Clearing my throat
I watk over to them and I try to untie Wanda but the cuffs won't budge Don't bother The cuffs won't move the voice says and l use my nails to unlock them shocked the mysterious voice clears their throat and I snill him What are you?? What are you I ask him unfared What? he asks shocked what are you? ask again Were coyote?
The voice says And you?the volce asks werewolves wolf I say Why did you take her? I ask
  I need the money they answer for what? I ask my pack They were slaughtered and I knew Tony Stark a man with lots of money who doesn't know what to do with it? the voice says as I carry Wanda out of the building You coming?I ask really?they asked and i nod join my pack I say You have a pack? they ask the avengers are my pack but really? I'm an alpha with no pack
I explain sitting Wanda in the backset I  look back over to the Avengers they don't know about me but i'll tell them I say when?
the voice asks when you tell me who you are?
I shot back Hi I'm Hayley
The voice says lifting her mask nice to meet you I say and she nods
The Avengers walk over to us
I'm sorry about Wanda I just really needed the money she explains
for what?Natasha asks and I nod My pack there dead They pronded food for us all she says
what the hell is a pack?*Bruce asks when we get home we need to talk
I say and we leave The entire time Loki has been quiet you're a werewolf aren't you?he asks and
I nod I'll tell the others tonight I say and he nods.

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