Chapter 6: Peter's field trip

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This chapter is basically about Peter's field trip to SI and there will indeed be ScarletAmerica in this chapter Also Tony suggested that Wanda should go back to school
So she is in college as is Peter
Yes they are in the same class
Also Peter is Tony's adoptive son
Peter's POV

So Wanda is Loki's daughter?
Cool We get to school and we stick together We're in the same class
I tell her Okay she replies Oh and your locker is right next to mine
I add Got it she says Yo Penis Parker! Flash yells Who's that? Wanda asks That's Flash he's a class A jerk I explain Got it Wanda says So who's this hottie he says looking at Wanda "This is my cousin Wanda I say lying Sup baby Flash says
1). Don't call me that
2). I'm taken
3). I'm in a relationship Wanda says

and Flash stomps off and me and Wanda look at each other before laughing We had to class and
Mr. Harrington tells Wanda to stop and introduce herself
I'm Wanda Maximoff Wanda says Hey aren't you that Scarlet Witch Avenger?Someone shouts Uh yes she says Alright Wanda come on
I tell her Right behind you Pete
I say You know the Scarlet Witch?!Ned my best friend whispers to me.
I'm Spider-Man of course I know her I whisper Alright class Let's begin The teacher says The day goes on normally but at the end of the day Mr. Harrington tells us all to wait a bit Okay, class I have an announcement Mr. Harrington says What is it?Cindy my classmate asks We are going on a field trip tomorrow he says To where?
Flash asks Stark Industries
says Mr. Harrington and I go pale What's the matter Penis? Scared your gonna get busted? he asks Shut up Flash | say or what?
Are you gonna cry to your mommy? Oh that's right I forgot you don't have one Flash laughs
Hey Flash is it?
Wanda says Yeah it is baby
Flash says and Wanda smirks Leave Peter the hell alone or so god help me I will fucking hurt you she says with her eyes glowing red and Flash growls Fine he says and Wanda looks pleased

Time Skip to Friday

I wake up to my alarm going off
I groan but get up anyway and walk to my closet and pick out my clothes I then head into the shower and wash my body After 35 minutes I get out of the shower and put my clothes on I walk downstairs Hey ma, hey pops I say Hey Pete they say in unison Is Wanda ready?
I ask She's already gone bud dad says
I say and rush out of the house to school I get there on time just to see everyone grabbing their things and heading on the bus I do the same and walk on the bus I then sit next to Wanda and Ned Penis
I didn't think you'd make it Flash says I don't have time for your bullshit today flash I say and he sits down The bus then bus pulls off as I talk to Wanda The ride to Stark tower is short so we get there quick. As the tower comes into view everyone but me Wanda, MJ, and Ned look at it in amazement When you live there and visit sometimes it starts to get pretty boring We walk in and a woman walks up to us Midtown high?
she asks Yes Mr.Harrington says Hi I'm Chloe I'll be the tour guide
she says and scans the crowd
She spots me Peter!
I didn't know you'd be down
here she says I'm on a class trip
I say and she nods and smiles alright if you'll follow me she says and we do We stop at the desk and she grabs a bunch of visitor passes Everyone gets one except me and Wanda Peter you have your badge right? Chloe asks No I left it upstairs I say Alright here is your work badge she says handing it to me Thank you I say but then I remember FRIDAY and I suddenly pale You okay?
I hear Wanda ask Yeah I say
Miss?Cindy asks Yes?
Chloe asks
What do the different numbers mean? Cindy asks
Right there are 9 levels
Level 1 is for visitors
Level 2 is for the janitors
Level 3 is for the interns
Level 4 is for the avengers that are rarely here Level 5 is for the guest
Level 6 is for the bosses friends
Level 7 is for the CEO's friends
Level 8 is for the avengers that live here Level 9 is for Mr.Stark
his personal intern and his family
did I miss anything?
she asks looking at me No I say Great she says
Why would Penis know?
Flash yells and I sigh For the last time I work here I say and he scoffs Yeah right he says and I sigh again
After everyone swipes their card except Peter It's my turn to swipe my card here we go...I think with a shaky breath l swipe my badge Peter Parker Level 10 Mini Stark Authorized Weapons Welcome Back Peter should I inform Mr.Stark of your arrival?'FRIDAY asks No thanks Friday I say Okay she says

What the hell was that?!
Flash yells
What was what?
I ask Why do you have a level ten?!"He asks and at this point I am getting more and more pissed
I am Tony's personal intern for the last time I say Yeah well I didn't believe you! Flash shouts Flash shut the hell up!
Wanda says as we walk through the Avengers lounge and we run into Natasha Неу Hey, dorogoy!" Nat greets me and Wanda Hey Nat Wanda says hey Mama peter says and the class looks at him in shock you know Russian someone asks Kinda hard not two when you live with the black widow and scarlet witch I mumble Alright let's go to the gym Chloe says and we walk to the gym and Natasha walks to bucky and ask him to spar We watch them for about 5 minutes and then bucky gets defeated and then Natasha asks for a volunteer to spar with her and everyone except me and Wanda raises their hands Peter
she says and I groan I get up and get over myself and walk over onto the matt When we spar don't you dare hold back Pete she says and
I nod But I start No buts Natasha says Fine he says and Steve who just walked in yells go and we circle each other for a bit but then she goes for a punch and I dodge it
I then punch and she dodges it we keep going Stop holding back Детеныш паука" she says But
I don't wanna hurt you
I say As if you can ever hurt her Flash mumbles She then goes for another punch but I catch it and flip her over my shoulder and she lands on the floor with a thud Sorry
I say and she does a pop up Don't be I said don't hold back and you didn't she says and I nod
What the hell was that
penis parker?!
Why'd she let you beat her?
Flash yells All the Avengers glare at him What was that?
Natasha asks Listen kid I hate bullies no matter who they are or where they come from We have a no-bullying policy You just broke it several times That will result in you leaving this tower Steve says.
Yesh yeah Whatever Flash says "Flash is it?
Tony asks walking into the gym
Yes it is Tony right?
Flash says That's Mr.Stark to you
If you even think about going near Wanda and Peter again I will make sure you never get a good job get into any good colleges and NEVER EVER see the light of day again
We clear?Tony asks and Flash nods his head violently Good Oh and the next time you look at Wands I'm pretty sure Loki and Steve will kill you Tony says earning nods from the two Flash then nods as Steve walks up behind Wanda and kisses her neck There are children here Thor says Right We will go up to our room then See y'all Wanda says and Steve waves before the two leave My entire class is in shock while I and the Avengers are acting as if nothing has happened at all
Wanda's POV
We walk up to our room and I walk towards my bed and lay on it I feel Steve cuddle up against me causing me to smile Steve?
I say and he hums Do you want to maybe be my boyfriend ?
l ask YES! he says and I smile
I then lean down and kiss him he smiles in the kiss as do I I pull away causing him to whine I'm tired, baby I say Fine he says yawning causing me to raise an eyebrow What?he asks I didn't say anything I say Mhm he says squinting his eyes at me and I smile A few minutes later I hear soft snoring and I look down to see Steve sleeping I smile and then kiss his temple before falling asleep myself.

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