Act one - chapter 1

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        When Kelly-Ann got up her toes touched the cold hard floor, a shiver went down her spine. This is what the district kids must've felt like, and every year too, she thought. She walked down the stairs thinking about how this is a "Big, big day" in Effies words. Kelly-Ann and, her twelve-year-old sister Harley never thought The Hunger Games was right, that didn't mean other kids wouldn't watch it, other kids loved it. When Kelly-Ann was elven Harley was four, it scared her so they would go into one of their rooms, and because they had off school during the games, they would play all day.

        Today was the Capitol reaping, the remaining victors after the war decided that they would show the Capitol how it was like when they had to do The Hunger Games. Which meant instead of the district kids doing it the Capitol kids would. They separated everyone into twelve groups Kelly-Ann and her family are in group twelve, which is supposed to be district twelve. Districts or groups one, two, and, four get special training, and it started five years before the reaping, not as many years  the real district kids got but still a lot.

        Kelly-Ann must've had a worried look on her face because Harley asked "Is it the reaping?" Kelly-Ann's worried look turned into confusion. "What about the reaping?" She questioned.

        "You looked upset I assumed it was because of the reaping," she replied. Harley was surprisingly good at reading emotions.

        "It was you little unicorn." She teased. "Hey stop calling me that I'm not five anymore," she said. "You know I was teasing, silly," she said. "I know," she paused,

        "We should probably be a little more quiet Al fell asleep on the couch, right after I made breakfast, by the way yours is on the counter, if you're hungry." Kelly-Ann walked over to the counter to grab her eggs and waffles. She just picked at her food though.

        "What's wrong, this is your favorite food, and you're not eating it is not good, do you not like it?" She asked. "No it's good I'm just not really hungry." She said trying not to make her feel bad. Harley usually doesn't get upset over that stuff though, but because it was the reaping everyone was kinda off.

        A few minutes later Al woke up, his nap was about 30-45 minutes long and he slept really well. Kelly-Ann asked why Al went took a nap, because usually at this time he was bouncing off the walls.

        "He had a nightmare last night and couldn't get back to sleep," she replied.

        "Do you know what his dream was about?" Kelly-Ann asked hoping one of his friends from school didn't tell him about the games. "He told us a little bit, but not a lot. It was about a monster, so we know it probably wasn't about the games." She said, "I don't want him to figure out until that's what they're learning in school."  Kelly-Ann walked over to the clock, 9:47, it read. Kelly-Ann thought it would be fun if they played a board game.

          She pulled out her favorite that said "Goat Girl." She knew that this was one of Al's favorite games. The objective of the game was to save a girl who is half goat half human. He likes it because it makes him feel like a hero.

        "Hey Al and Harley wanna play 'Goat Girl'?" She questions. "Yeah!" Al screams, and we have to sush him because our parents are still asleep in the other room.

        "Sorry," he says in more of a hushed voice. "Sure," says Harley. They set up the board game and started playing.

        "Harley move 6 space alreadys," Al says impatiently. "Sorry buddy I wasn't paying attention," Harley moves her character and Al says, "Ha yous landed on a green space." green space ment you had to draw a card from "the dare deck" that means you have to do a dare.

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