Has anybody seen Noah?

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[Cody's POV]

Duncan's group had returned to the camp, Cody was following silently, he kind of hoped Noah would be there In camp already-

where's Noah?

"Courtney? where's Noah..?" he asked, he tapped his foot on the ground, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Noah? I haven't seen him..." Courtney replied

Cody's face fell at the information.

"...you You haven't seen him? he's still alone? i-in the woods..?" Cody's voice was hushed. the air was tense. his smile faltered and his voice was wavering.

"yeah, what of it? he deserved it." Duncan crossed his arms, looking down at the geek who was now staring up at him with wide eyes and a blank expression.

"I- I need to find him... give me your flashlight. now." Cody walked up to Duncan, not even waiting for the punk to hand it to him. he snatched the flashlight, running off into the forest despite the shouting of his peers. he called for his l̶o̶v̶e̶r̶  friend.

"NOAH..?! NOOOOAAAAAH!! PLEASE COME OUT! WH- WHERE ARE YOU?! NOOOOOAAAAAH??" he shouted, searching everywhere for the boy. his worry and anxiety increased by the second, as he frantically searched for Noah.

he hit something on his foot, which scared him. a lot. he let out a short, high pitched shriek. he flinched, jumping back a bit as the fear caused him to feel a bit hotter than before. he looked down, pointing the light from the flashlight onto the item.

...noah's book?

why is it covered in blood?

he began to tremble a bit, slowly lowering himself down and reaching for the book with a shaky hand, he fumbled a bit with grabbing it, but he eventually got it. he heard a rustle, immediately standing up and running. he ran onto the shore of wawanakwa lake, leaning against a tree to catch his breath. sweat covered his face as he was gasping for air.

he dropped his flashlight, said object rolling and spinning until the beam of light had been focused on the lake.

it was illuminating something, someone. Noah.

Cody began stepping towards the lake, leaning forward to grab the flashlight, before continuing to the lake. he shined the flashlight onto the thing t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶y̶

Cody took a moment to look at what it was.

red vest.

teal shirt..

white long sleeve...

Cody felt weak in that moment. his legs gave out as he fell to his knees, taking in the shock of finding his l̶o̶v̶e̶r̶  friend dead.

and then it hit him.

his  l̶o̶v̶e̶r̶  was dead.

he felt the tears stinging in his eyes as he began to sob, letting out a gut wrenching wail. he sobbed and wailed and screamed, begging for this to be a joke. he tried to regulate his breathing as he went into the lake, grabbing the body and pulling it to shore. he rested the body in his lap, looking at the face. he wailed loudly again, sobbing and screaming as he held the cold body close to him.

he sobbed and sobbed, begging for him to come back. he grasped at the clothing sticking to Noah's body, fistfuls of fabric bundled up tightly in his hands.

Noah was dead.

his Noah.

the Noah he loves.

the Noah who he wouldn't ever see again.

the Noah who's pale, dead, Nonchalant face would be burnt into his memory forever.

the Noah who's lifeless eyes stared into his.

he didn't know what to do with his body. should he keep it on land? or should he let it rest peacefully in the water?

he'll let him rest.

he'll let him float.


he wished he could float with him.

..maybe he can.

no, no. he shouldn't think about suicide.

but.. he wanted Noah back.

no, focus on getting him back in the water.

then give Duncan a piece of your mind.

he dragged Noah's body back into the water, making it so he was facing the sky. he put one arm over the other, positioning it into an x. he brushed his eyes shut. he looked peaceful. so peaceful.

he should be peaceful with him.

he shook that thought off,

and he began walking back to the camp.


[Time skip]

"hey, what happened, bro?" Trent spoke, his voice soft and calming. Cody began to sob again, trying to speak.

"n- Noah 's g'ne... w'nt h'm back..." he felt so small. so vulnerable. his voice was hushed to a whisper.

everything went silent.

"..he's gone?" Gwen and Trent stared wide eyed at him. Eva stomped off somewhere before letting out a scream full of anger and guilt. he moved his position, sobbing as Gwen and Trent began to comfort him, holding him close to the two of them. he was sobbing into Gwen's shirt, Gwen and Trent rubbing circles into his back, hoping it would provide some sort of comfort.

after two days, Cody was still sobbing over Noah. he wouldn't talk, couldn't talk. he wouldn't take care of himself. he went through Noah's luggage, and he was no longer wearing his own shirts, but Noah's. he wore the exact copy of the clothes he wore before he died. he layered it exactly like he did. he put on the long sleeved white shirt, then the teal button up, and the red vest. he popped the collar of the teal shirt over the vest, and he curled up into Noah's bed in the cabin. he didn't leave, unless he had to throw up.

that was a little more often than it should've been. there was probably about no food or water left in his system, but he managed to keep crying, and he managed to keep vomiting. the others tried so hard to get him to eat, but he just wouldn't stop crying. he ignored everyone, no matter how much they begged. he just wanted Noah.

he just wanted Noah.

'Here lies Noah, You can tell it's him cause we put his name on the stone.'Where stories live. Discover now