That night..

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After graduating highschool, Hirano managed to get into his dream college. For celebration, he and his friends decided to get out for some drinks. They were in the appropriate age now. What could go wrong, right?

A couple of drinks and conversation later. Hirano was drunk now to say the least. Sasaki told him to watch his drinking but he didn't listen because he can "handle" his alcohol. he's looking flushed and wasted. Barely able to hear the others talking as if everything around him was just blurred and static.

Sasaki, being the good friend he is,called the only person who he thinks can get Hirano back to his apartment. That person being Kagiura. The redhead and the brunette have met some decent amount of times for Sasaki to get his number.

When they were leaving for college, Kagiura had ask him to watch over Hirano for him. Sasaki gladly agreed to this. Hirano might not let him know about his relationship with his kouhai but he knew what was going on even so.

After a few rings, Kagiura finally answered the phone. " Yo, Are you doing somethin right now? " He says. " Huh? I'm not doing anything right now.." Kagiura answered back, still confused at the sudden call. " Great! Hirano needs you, I'll send the location in text. " Sasaki says back.

Kagiura was worried about Sasaki suddenly calling him out of the blue. He got to the train station and got off at the stop near the location that Sasaki sent. There's still a few hours till dorm curfew so he's safe to go outside the dorms.

He found Hirano and Sasaki immediately thanks to their hair colors. When he got to their table he was met with a very flushed Hirano. " Uwahhhh! Kagi-kuunnn! ". The blond cheerfully greeted him right before he practically jumped towards him into a hug. " H-Hirano san ?! What are you doing ?! A-are you okay?!" Kagiura asked him, tone full of suprise and confusion. Hesitantly, he returned the hug with his hands supporting Hirano's back.

" I think it's time we call it a night. Right guys?" Sasaki said as the display in front of them was too much and he at least wanted Hirano to have some dignity left. " I'll help you with this guy, Kagiura-kun." He continued, Kagiura sighed, really embarrassed by this drunken Hirano suddenly clinging onto him. " Thank you.." he replied.

After the train ride,the three boys have made they their way into the apartment. Good thing there was an elevator because climbing up the stairs while your crush weights on you is difficult. It was just a few minutes before they arrived at Hirano's floor. It's a good thing Hirano gave Kagiura the spare key before he left.

" I'll give you the spare key just in case you need something. You can come whenever you want. "

He remembers what Hirano said before. They weren't dating yet, and yet Hirano trusted him enough to give him the keys to his apartment.

Sasaki held Hirano while Kagiura unlocked the front door. They've gone inside and laid Hirano down on the couch. " Man! He's heavy! " Sasaki complained while stretching his back from all that carrying and walking around. Kagiura noticed he typed something into his phone, most likely a text to his boyfriend.

He told Kagiura about Miyano after he saw them one time at the mall. Him and Hirano was on a shopping trip (date as Kagi said it is)when they ran into the lovely couple. Miyano was estatic to meet the famed roommate, although Hirano gave him an earful, he promised that he wouldn't say anything weird to Kagiura.

The front door rang. " I'll get it ." Kagiura says while walking towards the door. " Good evening... Miyano?! " He quietly shouted, suprised by the sudden visit but conscious about the hour of the night.

" Kagiura ! How's Hirano-senpai ?" Miyano asked, a bit happy to see the roommates together once again. " He's...fine,but I think he's drunk." "Oh.."Miyano turned to look for his boyfriend, when he found him, he immediately walked to him and whispered something.

" Hirano-senpai is drunk and his roommate is here and you said something about a scene at the bar. What's happening here ?! Miyano rambled onto Sasaki's ear, the redhead just smiled at him but that didn't answer his questions. Miyano's BL senses was tingling about this whole situation.

" I'll buy some medicine and food for that guy. I saw a convenience store nearby." Sasaki offered, grabbing Miyano's hands as they go outside, leaving Kagiura alone with the blonde.

"Y'know Hirano - san, you should reallyyy watch your drinking. " Kagiura mumbled to himself. He thinks for a moment, Hirano would be really uncomfortable sleeping in the couch. He wonders if he should carry Hirano to his room but the thought of it made him turn red. After some long thinking, he swooped up Hirano into a bridal carry to his room. When he finally laid the blonde down, he didn't seem to want to let go though. Keeping his hands still on Kagi's shoulder,slowly pulling the brunette into another hug.

Said brunette was now a strawberry. They really shouldn't be in this position. Sure he missed the older boy but now was not the right time for it. While trying to snake his way out of the embrace, he heard Hirano say something. " , stay.." the blonde sleepily mumbled. The embrace got a bit tighter after that, Kagi had stopped working after hearing that.

Every time they had their calls, each time they said goodbye to each other, Kagi could've sworn that he heard longing in Hirano's goodbye. He must have missed the younger just as much as he misses him. He held Hirano's hand in his, the hug loosened now, he placed a soft kiss on the blonde's hands. On cue, Hirano's eyes opened just a bit. " Kagi ?.. " he asked, trying to make up the sight in front of him. Kagiura snapped out of his action, immediately letting go of his hand and quickly escaped from the embrace. Hirano tries to sit up, only to fail thanks to his tiredness. He looked up at Kagi, " Kagi.. -kun.. stay, please.." he asked the boy standing in front of him. Kagiura silently agreed, taking a seat next to him.

What happens next is probably one of the things that Kagiura thought was not possible until Hirano realizes his true feelings. The blonde wrapped his arms around the taller boy's waist. He made a confusing sound which sounds like a dog's toy being squeezed. The blonde nuzzled in his back,falling into sleep once more. He laid down when it seems like Hirano was pulling him down into the bed.The blonde nuzzled his head close to Kagi's chest.After what felt like an eternity but really just a few minutes,he heard the front door open. He tried to shimmy out his way into the hug but Hirano wasn't ready to let him escape yet.

When Miyano and Sasaki entered the apartment,they were confused on where the two boys are,"We're in here !" Kagiura shouted from Hirano's room. Miyano's Bl senses was once again tingling when he heard that. They walked towards the room and peeked, what they saw probably looks like it came out straight from a bl manga. " Kagiura.... " Miyano said as he tried to hold back his inner fudanshi. Meanwhile,Sasaki was feeling somewhat happy and worried because he really didn't want to talk about the roommates to his boyfriend.

"Myaa - chan, I think we should leave them for now.." the redhead asked of his boyfriend who was still occupied in his own bubble. " EH?! Your not gonna help me ?! " Kagiura chimed in,this broke Miyano from his daydream and replied " He's glued to seems like he wouldn't let go of you even if we tried to." the last part was said with a chuckle from him.

Kagiura groaned defeat by this. "Fine. It's not like he'll remember any of this. " He pouted, arms returning to hug his beloved. Miyano once again scream internally on the display presented to him. The redhead sneaked a peck into him to break him out of his fudanshi spell. He whispered something about them leaving the room to give the roommates some privacy. They made their leave and closed the door.

Kagiura sighed once they were alone again. He's really embarrassed by the whole situation since he's with Hirano again. If he's lucky enough, there's a chance that the blonde will remember everything tomorrow.

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