Good Morning !

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The next morning...

I open my eyes as I wake up from last night. My head feels heavy, my eyes, my body, and... my bed?

The blonde tries to focus his eyes on the blurry image in front of him, it was...Kagi-kun? It IS Kagi-kun! Shi- Before he could even continue his freak out, he immediately covered his mouth with his hand to not make such a scene and wake the precious boy up.

" he's here. How? How did he get here? When did he get here??", he mutters to himself. He took a breath to calm himself down ( actually his heart because of how fast it's going because of the umm... close distance !) . He relaxes himself into the pillow and tries his utmost best to remember last night's events.

They went out for drinks to celebrate their college admissions. He felt a little tipsy,had a few more drinks then... what else?. Any memory of Kagi last night seems to have escaped him. After a minute,he gave up trying to remember, he was getting a headache from it too.

He returns his gaze back to Kagi. His sleeping face, angelic and cute. He wonders just how much of a fool his drunk self was for them to end up like this.

He missed him. He missed him oh so much. True, getting to live in his own apartment was nice but.. it's not the same as living with his beloved kouhai in the presence of their dorm room. His home felt quiet and..empty. After parting with him, he'd done nothing but study,eat, and sleep, repeatedly. The first day he spent in his home,he came back and said " Kagi-kun, I'm back!" Only to realize that he's not living with him anymore. It took a lot of mental strength for the situation to sink in.

Thankfully, they had night calls. Which was supposed to make him feel better,but it only made the awful feeling grow inside of him.

He brought up a free hand,and gently placed it on Kagiura' s soft cheeks. He began caressing it,tracing soft spots on the warm skin, gazing at him with the softest look he's capable of. He truly missed him, maybe a bit more than he expected to.


Not long ago ,he gave him the key to his apartment. They still had a year to live apart. The blonde was the one that insisted that they keep on living as roommates in college, to save expenses. He didn't want to admit it yet, but spending their lives apart after high school is definitely something he doesn't want to happen. He may not have the courage to accept that he does feel more than he should for his kouhai.

He smiled to himself. Thinking how much time has passed since they last saw each other in person and not just on the phone screen. On cue,Kagi slowly opened his eyes. Smiling at his beloved softly. " Good morning, Hirano-san." he cheerily said. " Mornin, sleepyhead, " the blonde replied with a chuckle.


The two got up from the bed and went to the living room. Kagiura offered to make breakfast and Hirano agreed to it because he still has a hangover. He sat on the small island behind the cooking area. He looked at his kouhai while he was making coffee, he thought he liked the display in front of him, he wanted it to happen again when they finally live together. Kagiura placed a mug in front of the blonde, snapping him out of his daydreaming.

While they did their usual banter, the doorbell rang. Hirano stood up and walked to open the door. " Sasaki? Miyano ? " He asked, surprised to see them early in the morning. " Yo! How ya doin pal? " The redhead asked while he let them inside. " I'm fine, but I have a shitty hangover." Hirano replied. " Good morning, Kagiura!!" Miyano excitedly greeted the taller kouhai. " Miyano... Help me !" He said in a whisper as Miyano got next to him. " Why? Did something happened?!" The fudanshi whispered back. " W- well.." he trailed off glancing at Hirano to see if he could hear them, when the coast was clear, he sneaked them off to the bedroom and locked it to talk in private.

"Something happened last night. B-BUT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK, ALRIGHT!. It's well...umm..." Kagiura answered and explained to Miyano about it. " He..cuddled with me.. he asked me to stay in the bed,then we fell asleep afterwards. When I woke up,he was already awake, he had a soft smile while he was looking at me. I didn't notice it until I was fully awake and when I went to the bathroom, I was already blushing! " He continued, Miyano was frozen still when he tried to play out the situation in his head. GAHHH WHY DOES THAT SOUND STRAIGHT OUT OF A MANGA !! GAHHHH!!, his inner voice whined inside of his mind.

Kagiura pouted when he noticed that Miyano was in his own world. " Miyanoooo, you're supposed to help me and not go into fudanshi mode !!" The taller complained,wobbling the shorter to snap him back to reality. When he got back, he asked Kagiura a question.


" Are you really certain that he only sees you as a roommate and not anything else?" He asked,voice sounding a little more serious than what Kagiura was used to. " I mean.. he always makes sure to get the point across that he only cares for me as a kouhai. But now that I think about it, he really doesn't like the idea of us separating, even back then at the dorms." The taller answered, blushing a bit from remembering the times that his beloved told him he disliked the idea of living apart.

Miyano places a finger on his chin and thinks about it, from all he heard from Kagiura, it seems that Hirano liked being with the boy. He dislikes living apart from him, he cares about him so much that even his friends think he's so whipped towards his roommate. It was safe to say that Kagiura might not be the only one with different feelings towards their roommate.

" I don't know if I should ask Hirano-senpai about this, but I think it's something that you should talk about with him." The short one told him. Miyano didn't want to pry into what his senpai truly felt,but he could at least help him understand it. "You think so?, I'm not sure about this.." Kagiura asked,he didn't want to force Hirano to like him, anything but that. If he needs to wait an eternity, he'd do it. Anything as long as it won't hurt his love.

"I mean, I told you already about me and Shuumei-san,about how I figured out my feelings. I think Hirano-senpai just needs a little push and help to understand his feelings." He continues, patting his friend to ease him.

After the talk and breakfast, Miyano and Sasaki left the apartment, leaving the two boys alone once again.

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